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Chaos second wave, crimson slaughter codex supplement
Crimson slaughter rules leak-
Quote:Special Rules
All models in the Crimson Slaughter Detachment have Fear.
Crimson Slaughter can ally with as Battle Brothers with Chaos Space Marines
Choose one unit of Chosen to be upgraded at +10pts. Gain preferred enemy.
Possessed are Troops. Roll a d3 at the start of the CS players turn.
1: Unit and Vehicle if embarked are shrouded
2: Unit type becomes Beast
3: Gain a 3+ invul save and rending

Warlord Traits
1. Warlord and unit gain hate, extra bonus's against Dark Angels
2. All enemy units within 12" of warlord suffer a -2 to fear tests
3. Warlord has Rage and Furious Charge, but must charge attempt to assault if within 12"
4. Warlord and unit gain Crusader
5. Enemy models in base contact with Warlord take d6 S3 ap hits at the beginning of each assault phase
6. Warlord has shrouded

1. Replaces a powermaul on a Dark Apostle S +2 AP4 Concussive and all CS units in 6" gain Zealot
2. Soul Siphon gains powers based off of enemy models removed in close combat. Effects last the rest of the game 1. +1S 3. AP 2 5. +1S 10. Instant Death
3. Furious charge, Hamer of Wrath and rage
4. Gain Divination and can re-roll failed psychic tests. No Deny the Witch bonus's
5. Cannot be taken by a Daemon Prince. Gains 2+ save and it will not die
6. Gain Daemon, Fearless, and fleet, and gains the Crimson Slaughter possessed mutation-roll a d3.

Sounds like a good supplement to me, with some nice rules fr the dark vengeance models
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Chaos second wave? - by Gareth - 21-02-2014, 09:31 AM
RE: Chaos second wave? - by manrogue - 21-02-2014, 09:45 AM
RE: Chaos second wave? - by manrogue - 03-03-2014, 03:21 PM
RE: Chaos second wave? - by Simian - 03-03-2014, 04:57 PM
RE: Chaos second wave? - by CheZZoR - 03-03-2014, 06:47 PM
RE: Chaos second wave? - by manrogue - 04-03-2014, 08:19 AM
RE: Chaos second wave? - by manrogue - 14-03-2014, 09:35 AM

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