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Imperial knight paladins coming first week of march
And the codex leaks, summary-
Quote:The knight detachment is separate from allies 1-3 can be taken, Do not score

Cannot ally with Chaos, Daemons, Crons, Orks or Nids.

Allies of convenience with Eldar and Grey Knights

Desperate allies with Dark Eldar and Tau

Imperial Knight Armies
These rules are for the primary detachment of knights:
Knights are scoring and one is the warlord.

Knightly ranks
"Players that want to include knights apparent or seneschals in their games must roll a dice for each of their knights errant or knights paladin (other then the warlord) at the same time as warlord traits and refer the knightly rank table below to see what the rank that knight has"
1: Knight apparent. Subtract 1 from the knights Ws and Bs. in addition a apparents ion shield confers a 5+ invulnerable save instead of the normal 4+
2-5: Knight. Standard rules
6: Seneschal. Add 1 to the knights Ws and Bs. In addition a knight seneschals ion shield confers a 3+ invulnerable save insteaf of the normal 4+

Warlord table:
The warlord is always a Seneschal
1. Master of the Hunt: All friendly knights in 12" add +1 to run or charge range
2. Fearsome Reputation: Enemy units within 12" of the warlord use the lowest leadership value
3. Master of the Joust: The Knight warlord rerolls failed to hit rolls in any assault phase in which he successfully charges into close combat
4. Master of the Field: The Warlord up to D3 friendly knights have outflank
5: Master of Siege: The warlord and all friendly knights add +1 to rolls they make on the building damage table
6: Indomitable: The warlord has "It will not die"

Edit - also includes all the rules for super heavy walkers and Strength D weapons.
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RE: Imperial knight paladins coming first week of march - by manrogue - 07-03-2014, 08:34 AM

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