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battlefield Birmingham 5 40k tournament
Game2 against Paul Haycock

His list:

Warp Smith (glorified Techmarine)
3x10 Marines with Veterans of Long War, 1x2xFlamers, 1x2xPlasmaguns, 1x2xMeltaguns all in Rhinos
10 Cultists
Storm Eagle with 2xTL Lascannons, 1xMultimelta and Missiles, 2 shot Large Blast STR5 AP4
Predator 2xLascannons, Autocannon
5 Termiantors 5 combi-melta
3 Oblits

I must admit, I was feeling quite confident as long as I could roll fortune...

Mission: Scouring, Vanguard Strike

My Warlord was Scoring!

Powers: Eldrad: Deathmission, Doom, Mind War, Fortune
Farseer: Prescience, Hallucination, Shriek

Pretty much the perfect mission for me and pretty much a bread and butter list to play against.

I lost the roll for turn and was forced to go first, after deployment, I was within charged range of Pauls infiltrating Oblit squad, so the beastpack charged and killed those, the consolidated towards Pauls lines, Pauls shooting took a wound off a Wraithknight, I then charged all 3 Rhinos, was hoping to hit troops, but both Wraithknights failed to open up a single Rhino between them!

I killed all 3 Rhinos, then took a battering, losing about 10 Khymera and a Wraithknight, my turn3 and the Warp Spiders and Hawks come down taking out most of the Cultists and the Vindicator, the Wraithknight charges 10 Marines and the Beastpack charges 20, the Wraithknight kills most of a squad, but remains locked, the Beastpack takes out both Marine squads via combat res, I lose the Warrior squad to the flyer and the Hawks to the Warp Smith and Cultists.

My turn4, the Beast pack combi charges the Marines with the Wraithknight and the Terminators which had deep struck earlier, killing both units, then the Warp Spiders take out the Cultists and Warp Smith, I lose the Wraithknight at the Flyer goes into hover mode and the Pred pivots.

My turn5, Warp Spiders jump on an 3pt objective and Jetbikes and Beastpack jump on ALL the other objectives, then the Beastpack charges the Doomed hovering flyer, getting 4 pens for a tabling win to me!

BOOM! Big Grin

Was a bit worried going into my opponents turn2, but really, the Beastpack shrugs off SO much fire power with Fortune, I pretty much played the perfect game, bar a careless mistake after the combat turn2 with Rhinos picking up a dice I nudged my Wraithknight (well hitting it, I broke it's weapon off!), I didn't reposition it, leaving it out of cover... I asked to move it back, but rightly so and I couldn't argue really... he said NO access denied! lol, so my Wraithknight was removed from the table with no cover save lol.

Still a tabling win and I would shooting up the tables.


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RE: battlefield Birmingham 5 40k tournament - by Embolden - 16-02-2014, 06:34 AM

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