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Tyranid codex in January
Big rumour leak for Tyranids happened yesterday-

Quote: Endobai over at Warseer wrote:I had to find the Tyranid codex and more important had to work for a couple of hours, too addicted to things such was food, drink and shelter to ignore this need. I am no Tyranid player so I wanted to have the codex in sight not to make any mistakes people will in turn mistake for something else.

It is still too early to say too much - hardly enjoyable to be in the spotlight shining like the Astronomican for the Hive Fleets...
I can only say maybe 20% of what I know for now. Soon images should start appearing in the web so it will be possible to comment on some of them.


In my opinion definetely the centerpiece of the release. Much like the Tactical squad for the Marine codex they are something every Tyranid player - new or veteran - will have to buy.
The box includes all or almost all weapon options the Warrior entry in the current (still the current) codex has + something really nice. Still don't expect all your wishes to come true. Remember it is no more than three infantry sprues in the box.

The unit's cost.
It depends on the cost of wargear and what special rules give them - namely what Synapse Creature gives them in the new codex. Right now I can see no meaningful point decrease. Still troops though.


Still troops, but comes with 'the Gaunt tax' to occupy the slot. Gaunts are cheaper so it helps a little.

Much depends on the new psychic powers the Tyranids get because it remains a psycher with randomly generated powers so unlike some psychers in the new tyranid codex.

The Big Bug

It is big, but not that big. Remember that the Wraithknight and Eldar models in general are smooth and do not have so many limbs, vents, horns, bio-guns etc so making something as large as the Eldar fellow would create something really, really expensive - definetely in titan price range. The big bug is thankfully cheaper.

The creature is taken from the Epic 40k, but the difference in size is not so ridiculously... pronounced, but it is large enough.

Ohh and the instinctive behaviour list is expanded - with entirely new modes some creatures will take when separated from the Hive Mind.
(Added via edit

Tyrant Guard too got something new, a weapon upgrade they will find really useful.

Quote: Endobai over at Warseer wrote:

Vhalyar wrote:Cheers Endobai. Whether these rumors end up correct or not, at the very least they're interesting enough to be the only reason to visit this thread currently

My source is solid.

I don't suppose you'd care to elaborate a bit on what the big bug's role is? There's not exactly a lot of roles left to fill out in the Tyranid army except "like [x] but bigger!" which is... boring, so I'm curious of it goes in a completely different direction.

Nope I'd rather not do that yet. But you'll easily find out when it is finally shown or its name is leaked - a direct transition from Epic 40k.

Redemption wrote:Thanks for the info Endobai, much appreciated! Do you have any clue whether or not the new Warrior box will include wings to make Shrikes?

Warrior entry options seem covered, but Shrikes are a diffrent entry... cannot say for sure but with so many options in the set I doubt there is any space left...

Instinctive behaviour - clarification

As I was afraid it was misunderstood (yes I see you H.B.M.C.).
Modes stay, so if something lurks it doesn't feed.

But there are more modes than just those two.

Psychic powers

One set of 7 powers, but some creatures do not roll, but get something specific and it doesn't have to be the Primaris.

Endobai over at Warseer wrote:

First off cheers for all this! Good tidings are finally coming our way indeed. Glad tervigons are still troops cause I got three of the mommas painted up and would hate only being able to field one or two.

I find your warrior comments interesting and a bit distressing as right now I only have 4 of them. You seem to be implying that they are going to be the best unit in the new codex or at least the center piece that hold the army together. Anything that you can expand on?

Can you please expand on the psychic powers comment? That has me a bit nervous as I am really enjoying the psychic powers offered to me in the rulebook. Enfeeble and endurance are just fantastic… will we still have access to these powers?

The poster below was spot on. The Warriors are a new set, the last one was from 2001 so it is as with the Tacticals who got reinvented, multi-optional new sprues. Cool, useful, but they are not super-killy. Can easily be made the core of the army and have access to very many weapon options so good value for money too.

Psychic powers

I doubt they will remove the access, so far nothing suggests it.

Personally I read his comment as written from a model-design/aesthetic point of view, not refering to rules/ codex-role. Just my 2cents.

Thank you.
Don't know what Synapse Creature gives them in the new book.
That is pretty much the most important thing here and I am sadly unable to verify it.

Quote: Terrorfex over at Warseer wrote:+++++++++++ MAJOR UPDATE +++++++++++

Behold brothers and sisters, I have more evidence than you can handle Today we thought of kidding around with games Workshop and since my local dealer has a pretty good relationship with its GW Area Distributor we thought about try to include 3 Boxes of Plastic Hive Guard alongside the other products he needs to order. What started as a little joke ended up with a massive info leak. I was standing next to my dealer while he phoned, the speaker were turned on and this is what I heard with my own ears:

We: Hi XXX, we wanted to make an order
GW: Ok we can put the stuff in the package for this thursday
We: *name all the normal products*
GW: Ok I have managed your oder
We: ah and I saw a box of Hive Guards in the net - I want three of those aswell
GW: Haha yeah leaked pictures - and you know that. You need to wait till january
We: Does that mean we finally see bids in jan?
GW: Yeah, preorder around new year
We: can you give me some information or is this super secret?
GW: Yeah I can - we will inform the stores pretty soon anyway
We: Do you play bids, too or have any idea behind it?
GW: *searches Data* no not really, I rarely play
We: Ah ok
GW: here is what is in our system: a Harpyie for 62,50€, Hive Guards for 45,50€ . Haruspex for 57,50€ and a warrior box for 45,50€ .
We: No Drop Pod?
GW: Apparently not
We: Hmmm strange - I thought they would finally release one.
GW: This is pure speculation but I think I heard that the drop pod is no longer in the codex. this new creature is a transport thing
We: Cool, no chars, fine cast or clamshells?
GW: No just the things I just said, thats all.
We: Cool, can you tell me anything else?
GW: No - thats all
We: Ok Thanks

Tyranids in Jan
Harpyie 62,50
Schwarmwachen 45,50
Haruspex 57,50
Krieger Box 45,50.

Translates into:
Tyranids in January
Harpy 62.50 €
Hive Guard Box 45.50 €
Haruspex 57.50 €
Warrior Box 45.50 €
Quote: Endobai over at Warseer wrote:Heh, so it is out.

I can safely say something more.

All those sets allow construction of another unit, also the Haruspex which can be assembled as... another creature from Epic 40k.

Hive Guards got another weapon option which can be seen on the leaked image.
The weapon is electricity based. No doubt inspired by Teslas, but I have no idea if it works in a similar way.

Tyrant Guards are very lovely. My most favourite models in the release combining what is the best in the 3rd and 4th metal models.
Several weapon options just like with the warriors.

I think that they got those new 50 mm bases. I was mistaken in the past with the SM Centurions so forgive me if I commit another once again.

Haruspex is damn ugly so you will recognise it immediatelly, but its 'twin' is actually really nice looking MC.

Harpy's 'brother' is not called Eridne/however it was called in those rumours.

Any insights into Hormagaunts?

Cheaper and faster. Think of Slaaneshi Daemons.

Any info on Lictors?

Nothing except that they appear in the dataslate.

Of course nothing speaks like autonomous, scout, vanguard creature like a model which after landing realises how alone it is, how scary the world is and that everyone wants to kill it - so I hope it regains at least its autonomy. Rather safe bet in my opinion.

I don't think anyone here has asked yet (wonder why...) but what about rippers? The vanguard of my skittering horde, well a comic relief at least. Hopefully The Parasite will get a model, that would be awesome to see rippers burst from the chests of guardsmen.

If I see it right got more expensive, but are no longer suicidal.

Just a query Endobai, is the alternative weapon for the Hive Guard an Anti Air weapon?

I doubt it is judging from the description, but cannot disprove that entirely.

a tidbit on genestealers?

Seem the same, but Broodlord has a fixed psychic power (no rolls) and full access to biomorphs - there is a list of those much like with wargear for other armies in other books.

Not going to push what the optional build is gonna be, I'm more intrigued about you calling it ugly. You mean "bad" ugly, yes?

It looks... it looks like it ate too much. Have no idea how much painting can improve it...

Oh, and so is it true that the spores are out of the Codex?

No trace of them so far.

Surely they aren't just getting 4 bulky kits, right?

No clamshells. Perhaps a second wave, wouldn't be that weird, but mind their production capacity when it comes to plastic models is limited. Jes Goodwin said something about it when was asked about Jetbikes.

The are some repackages, though. More models in some boxes (so no Dire Avenger rip off), but don't remember how the prices will change in comparison.
Quote: BigRed from BOLS wrote:The total release contains 9 new kits, 3 clamshells. ZERO Finecast.

Unless there is a second wave they are wrong again.

Off the mark when it comes to some rules as well and I am not sure if the rumours are on target with the rest either.

Whatever I'll use what I know for sure.

Just to make a summary:

There are definetely those four sets named in the phone call in Germany.
Dual sets (one, lets say, is half-dual), so four MCs including three new beasties.

There are also other boxes, but re-packs/army sets.

No clamshell.

If there is a second wave perhaps those will include such things, but I have no way to see that far in the future. Still more than a month to the release of the book so will will find out when it comes.

Seems as if there's got to be a second wave on the horizon. There's simply too much stuff left without a model or in Finecast.

Possible, but tell that to the Eldar Aspect Warriors.

Although there is a lot of finecast in use bear in mind there are other releases coming almost every month and all of them will get new sets.
Not sure if that adds anything to my information, but I spoke to Kelly on GD about Banshees and he definetely suggested that things like that although important will wait for some time. There are not that many armies left to be adjusted to the 6th edition after all.

And this edition stays for a while - too many FW 2nd edition books, the massive Horus Heresy series, the super-fast release rate for 40k we have not seen in the past... some units/models have to wait and while I would wish you a very fast transition from failcast it is not certain.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven

Messages In This Thread
Tyranid codex in January - by manrogue - 13-08-2013, 11:55 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Simian - 13-08-2013, 12:19 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Gareth - 13-08-2013, 12:30 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Simian - 13-08-2013, 12:34 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 13-08-2013, 01:05 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 13-08-2013, 01:21 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Gareth - 13-08-2013, 02:02 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 13-08-2013, 03:06 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 14-08-2013, 12:14 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 21-08-2013, 09:00 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 28-08-2013, 09:10 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 12-11-2013, 12:05 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Nick1988 - 12-11-2013, 02:10 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 12-11-2013, 02:35 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 07-12-2013, 12:53 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 09-12-2013, 10:42 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 10-12-2013, 10:22 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Gareth - 10-12-2013, 06:36 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 11-12-2013, 03:52 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 18-12-2013, 09:57 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 18-12-2013, 10:00 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Gareth - 04-01-2014, 01:37 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 06-01-2014, 09:39 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by jaqenhgar - 06-01-2014, 01:59 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 06-01-2014, 02:05 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Embolden - 06-01-2014, 02:26 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Nick1988 - 06-01-2014, 02:36 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Embolden - 06-01-2014, 08:21 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by manrogue - 06-01-2014, 08:29 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Nick1988 - 06-01-2014, 08:32 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in November? - by Embolden - 06-01-2014, 08:39 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by manrogue - 08-01-2014, 04:52 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by manrogue - 08-01-2014, 05:13 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by Gareth - 08-01-2014, 05:15 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by manrogue - 08-01-2014, 05:29 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by Nick1988 - 08-01-2014, 06:20 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by Embolden - 11-01-2014, 06:16 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by Gareth - 11-01-2014, 11:08 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by Simian - 11-01-2014, 06:53 PM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by Embolden - 12-01-2014, 12:17 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by manrogue - 12-01-2014, 09:30 AM
RE: Tyranid codex in January - by manrogue - 23-01-2014, 12:12 PM

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