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WFB500 Last club meet of the year. 17th Dec 2013.
Ok guys been a while, since I ran one of these, and it's very short notice. With the talk of something special happening for the 40k guys, any of you Fantasy folks are free to join in, with a small scale event. Due to time restrictions, comp will be very simple.

500 points, no lords, one hero only. Mages taking a spell, will generate one randomly determined spell, from all 8th edition lores. Basically I'll have one copy of every magic card with me, you randomly draw a card for each spell at the start of your game, and a spell drew in one game, is removed from the deck, for future games. For example, if Tom draws Shems Burning Gaze in his first game, no other player will have an opportunity to draw that spell throughout the event. Ogre spells can be drawn by an Orc player, and if the spell is of no use to you, tough, you drought the wrong wizard that game.

Scores will be a simple W/D/L 30/1/0 with VP diff and total VPs as first and second tiebreakers. All games are battle line, and it's standard 100 VP difference for ten victory.

If you fancy joining in, sign up in the 17ths Thread.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen

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WFB500 Last club meet of the year. 17th Dec 2013. - by Gareth - 01-12-2013, 10:25 AM

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