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SAGA Skirmish Day @ Total Wargamer – Sunday 19th May 2013
Chatting to Chris from Wyvern at Salute yesterday, he mentioned that he's thinking of arranging an informal SAGA event at Total Wargamer one weekend. Will keep this thread updated with details for anyone interested - probably just me, Steve and Panda at the moment, unless we can lure anyone else to the dark ages.

Update with more detail from Chris:

Quote:Hi, as it seemed to be a bit quite on the SAGA front in May, I thought I might try and set up a small tournament and run it at our local games shop. The advantage of been in the shop is it makes the day very cheap but the disadvantage is that we are limited to 12 players and we are playing in the shop which is open but they are experienced at doing this sort of thing so hopefully it will all go alright.

I'm just notifing those that have attended our Wyvern wargames days at present but if I need additional players I'll put a note out on the SAGA forum in a weeks time. So if you want to play on the 19th May, just reply to this e-mail. Places will be allocated on a first come bases and I'll let everyone know when we are full.

Saga skirmish day – Sunday 19th May 2013

A mini Saga tournament day, to be held on Sunday 19th May 2013 and held at the TOTAL Wargamer premises. This is a ‘fun day’ tournament playing “SAGA”. There will be 4 games, each lasting up to 1.5 hrs. All game scenarios and terrain will be pre-set. All you need to do is bring your painted warband, clearly showing their class (Levies, Warriors, Heathguards and Warlords), dice, some FATIGUE markers, Saga dice, battle board and measuring sticks.

Tea, coffee and a limited quantity of crisps, cans and a like are available to purchase during the day from the TOTAL Wargamer shop.
Venue Details:
Total Wargamer
Cadbury Courtyard
Blackminster Business Park
WR11 7RE

2. Registration Process
The event costs just £2:00 and this will be used to provide a limited prize or two. To be able to take part you must send an e-mail to {Christopher <fullstop> Churchill <at> Yahoo <fullstop> com} and provide the following information:
Name (that will be used on our score board):
Contact Tel Number (needed in the unlikely event we need to contact you):
e-mail address: (We need this to be able to process the registration)
Club or group name: (We need this to try to avoid playing you again your own club members)
Faction (that you will be fielding on the day):
We will reply to your e-mail to let you know if we still have places available and provide additional information about the day.

3. Event Timetable
Sunday the 19th May 2013
• 09:00 – 09:15 – Arrival & booking in
• 09:15 – 09:30 – Introductions
• 09:30 – 11:00 – Game One (1.5 hours)
• 11:00 – 11:10 – Break
• 11:10 – 12:40 – Game Two (1.5 hours)
• 12:40 – 13:20 – Lunch Time (& Painting Competition voting)
• 13:20 – 14:50 – Game Three (1.5 hours)
• 14:50 – 15:00 – Break
• 15:00 – 16.30 – Game Four (1.5 hours)
• 16:30 – 16:45 – A Q&A session (while the game results are compiled)
• 16:45 – 17:00 – Presentation

4. Armies & Army lists
Players should enter as individuals, and bring a 7 point force. To register you need to specify the Army you will be bringing but there is no need to submit army lists before the event.

On the day you will need to specify your army list showing how you have spent your 7 points. You can then field any 6 points of the 7 for each game. You can also change the unit sizes deployed between games but you must keep the same basic force you have listed. i.e. 8 Warriors for 1 point can be fielded as a single unit or two 4 man units.

Permitted factions are: Vikings, Normans, Anglo-Danes, Welsh, Jomsvikings, Anglo-Saxons, Bretons, Scots, Franks, Irish, Norse-Gaels, Strathclyde, Pagan Rus, Rus Princes and Byzantines. Players may also include ‘Sword for Hire’ units in their warbands.

‘Heroes of the Viking Age’ and the Skraelings faction are not permitted. War Banner figures described in the Raven’s Shadow SAGA supplement can be used but only once per turn per unit and as the last action of that unit. Armies should be fully painted or at least sufficiently to clearly distinguish the troop types.

5. Rules Queries
The New Rule of “Melee/Reaction SAGA Abilities” will be used together with Ragnar's Answers and the Errata. In addition, the Optional Scenario Special Rule on Page 26 will be used. Hopefully, all games will be played with the utmost fun, and run completely smoothly. If you do have any problem/rules queries then, first look in the SAGA rule book and, if this does not satisfy you or you can’t find the answer, then please feel free to ask the event organizer or one of the umpires appointed on the day. The Umpires are free to interrupt any game to clarify or point out mistakes to players.

7. The Battlefield
The first three rounds will consist of the following three scenarios (but not necessarily played in this sequence): Battle at the Ford, Home Land, The Escort. The fourth round will be Clash of Warlords.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."

Messages In This Thread
Skirmish Day @ Total Wargamer – Sunday 19th May 2013 - by Stuart - 21-04-2013, 01:12 PM

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