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Wyrd at GenCon
Details of what will be out in a few weeks are being released. The target is for 80% to be on sale during the convention, either to those attending, or at the online store. Then everything will revert to the twelve month schedule. It appears all items are digital sculpted plastic, which means prices are quite cheap, and more important for myself, lighter so I can bring more back.

We have been given details of the Arcanists and Neverborn items. Each faction appears to get a faction/Ten Thunders Crew box, as well as some faction only items. However before book 4 is released, how the crew boxes work, or Ten Thunders in general, is not known.

However over night the GenCon exclusive items, have been made public.

First is the Nightmare Hanging Tree, standing over 5" tall. It apparently also comes with some alternate Hanged Models.

Then there is Miss Terious, a female Death Marshall. I predicted from the name a Witchling Stalker, but I wasn't too far out. This will be given free to any order of $100, placed at the booth, or online for the 4 days the convention is on.

Finally is the Henchman exclusive model Santana Ortega. This will initially be released in limited numbers to Henchfolk, however Nathan has hinted it could be made available to the public in the future, as official prize support, at events.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Piccies from the Wyrd Facebook page yesterday evening:



Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Miss Terious and Santana; Oh my. I may have to place several bulk orders and compete in future tournaments.
Warmachine (Retribution of Scyrah, Khador), Hordes (Trollbloods, Blindwater Congregation), Bolt Action (IJA Infantry Section, Soviet Russia Armoured Platoon), SAGA (Norse-Gaels (WIP)), Deadzone (Enforcers, Forge Fathers)
If Miss Terious and Santana were available to buy now rather than as exclusives i would probably take up Malifaux and order them now....
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I echo any and all thoughts about Miss Terious and Santana.......

Plus, they look Preeeettttyyyyy........ Panda definately likes!
What do we need?
We'll need biscuits, lots of biscuits......

Angry_Panda's website, it's not big, smart, or clever (or even finished for that matter!) but it's mine!!!

If you want to play a game of something i own, then just ask!
(02-08-2012, 08:51 PM)manrogue Wrote: If Miss Terious and Santana were available to buy now rather than as exclusives i would probably take up Malifaux and order them now....

Well if you order a whole guild crew off the wryd site while gencon is on then you'd also get Miss Terious... So in a way you can buy her.

Or you bribe someone (like myself) who may just find themselves with a 'spare' Miss Terious...

(Disclaimer: I wont know for certain whether i will have a spare untill all the models that'll be there have been announced and funds added up, potentially Simon gets first Dibs.)
Why do they look similar?
Flames of War- Irish Guards    Bloodbowl- Orcs, Humans
Cutlass- Teddy Bear Pirates     Warhammer- Bretonnia, Ogres
6mm WW2- XXX Corps            28mm WW2- Rules of Engagement, Bolt Action, Chain of Command
28mm Zulu War- Still painting !!  SAGA Normans, Saracens
Bolt Action - German and British Infantry
Malifaux - Gremlins
Guildball - Butchers,Hunters, Farmers
I have no idea.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
(07-08-2012, 12:03 AM)Noisysteve Wrote: Why do they look similar?

Don't remember where but i seem to remeber reading somewhere in the forum speculation along the lines of Miss Terious being an Ortega that joined the Death Marshals. Hence why they look the same - because its the same Girl.
they even wear the same clothes!!
Flames of War- Irish Guards    Bloodbowl- Orcs, Humans
Cutlass- Teddy Bear Pirates     Warhammer- Bretonnia, Ogres
6mm WW2- XXX Corps            28mm WW2- Rules of Engagement, Bolt Action, Chain of Command
28mm Zulu War- Still painting !!  SAGA Normans, Saracens
Bolt Action - German and British Infantry
Malifaux - Gremlins
Guildball - Butchers,Hunters, Farmers

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