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Campaign Rules/gang rosters
Thought I would just set up some basic ground rules for the campaign in an attempt to get it to run smoothly:

Firstly, please can everyone have picked their gang before the first game so that you're not doing it on the night. It might be a good idea to post the gang rosters on this thread, and then they can be modified after each game as the gang changes. Just a simple list of territories, gang menbers with equipment skills and injuries for each member, no. of creds. and gang rating. I will post my list by the end of the week for an example.

Any stuff that has to be rolled for such as starting territories, skills and injuries etc, should ideally be rolled in front of an opponent, I'm sure no-one will cheat but if you do roll 5 archeotech hordes for your territories with witnesses then you can't be accused of cheating (!) although maybe your dice need to be changed! Just leave these spaces blank when posting your roster for now. Anyone without internet access can still play (but obv won't be reading this....) they can hand a copy of the roster to me and I'll put it online for them. Hopefully people will have time to roll for experience and injuries at the end of each game etc.

To prevent some people falling behind in the campaign due to not finding time to play every week, there will be a maximum of two games admissable as campaign games per calendar month. Obviously you are free to play Necromunda as much as you like, but please don't accrue skills and creds on your campaign gang unless it's a campaign game. Hopefully this rule will allow people to play other games and miss the odd evening at the club without being penalised.

You are allowed to enter more than one gang if you are really keen, but there are only so many weeks in a month....Also, if you get fed up with your gang, eg if too many die or are captured and your gang rating plummets, you can start a new gang at any time - your gang members obviously melt away and abandon (or kill) the gang leader and go and join other gangs. If fighting a more experienced gang, you accumulate experience and cash faster to partly compensate.

Note: there is no minimum game playing requirement, if you play no games in a month you are still in the campaign, your gang obviously won't get stronger though...

Some of us are also using the Yakromunda website to post our gang and history of battles etc:

Special scenarios will be announced on this thread, eg all games played next month have x and y special rules.

More ground rules added if I think of them, please comment on these rules or make suggestions if you think of something else. Cheers!


Currently we have:

Stuart - 'The Grey Area Gang' (House Delaque)
Chris - 'The Undertakers' (House Cawdor)
Vince - 'The Mad Capsules' (House Escher)
Angry Panda - 'The Triumphant Illegitimates' (House Orlock)
NoisySteve - 'The Black Scorpions' (House Van Saar)
Mick - House Escher
Tom H - 'The Grizzlys' (House Delaque)
Justin - 'Viskar's hunters' (Spyrers)
Ben (mooglemania) - 'The Infinite Staircase Jezebels' (house escher)
Simon R - Redemptionists
Paul - house Van Saar
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Here's my Gang:

From House Cawdor – Exiled from the hive proper for a lack of sufficient religious zeal, and the occasional spot of unauthorised smuggling of narcotics (ie they didn't give the boss a cut), the founding members of the gang found themselves in the trading post by the shores of the chem sea, following the tales of opportunity and fleeing the fury of the local Cawdor leaders. They have managed to carve a place for themselves in one of the deepest parts of the underhive, and currently have a secret hide-out in some old ruins, through sheer brutality and bloody-mindedness, and hope to become rich, powerful and infamous, just like everyone else! Only Seth, Magni and Shango are original members from their flight into the underhive a few short clicks ago (life is short and brutal there) the others having been recruited, cajoled, tricked or forced into the gang more recently.

House Cawdor - 'The Undertakers'

Gang Rating Stash
1445 0

Name Rank Equipment Points Experience Skills Injuries
Seth Leader knife,chainsword,bolt pistol, hand flamer 180 90 +1BS
Magni Heavy knife, heavy stubber 180 96 +1I 2 x old battle wounds, head+leg wounds, partially deaf, impr scars, shell shock
Shango Ganger knife, lasgun 75 48 +1WS, jump-back
Votan Ganger knife, shotgun, bolt shells 85 34 impetuous
Marduk Ganger knife, autogun 70 55 +1WS; medic,+1T
Adaro Ganger knife, shotgun, hand flamer,manstopper shells 90 34 +1WS impressive scars
Orichas Ganger knife, shotgun, hand flamer,manstopper shells 90 36 +1T old battle wound,hand injury
Indra Ganger knife, laspistol 65 44 +1Ld,+1Wound
Dagda Juve knife, laspistol 35 5
Morrigan Juve knife, autopistol 40 8 +1I
'Boy' New Ganger knife, laspistol 40 25 +1WS; disarm,+2BS head wound

Territory Income Special Rules
Guilder Contact D6x10 +5cred per loot
Slag 15
Old Ruins 10
Old Ruins 10

When creating your gang remember to include enough basic gangers - they are the only ones who can gain income from your territories (and only if they are not injured too badly) - you roll for 5 territories before the first game.

Also obviously you will need to fill in your gang roster sheet to bring along with you to the game. I haven't included characteristics on here but we could note any changes to the characteristics under skills (if they go up) or injuries (if they go down).
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Okay... here we go!

Name Rank Equipment Points Experience Skills Injuries
The Toucan Leader knife,chainsword, Shotgun, man stoppers 175 81 Inventor
The Vulture Heavy Heavy Stubber, knife 180 87 Weaponsmith
The Falcon Heavy knife, lasgun 85 76
Crow Ganger knife, Autogun 70 39 Specialist
Raven Ganger knife, Autopistol 65 39 +1ws 2 fingers lost, -1ws
Starling Ganger knife, shotgun 70 30
Swift Ganger knife, Lasgun 75 34 +1w old battle wounds
Finch Ganger knife, Autogun 70 29
Thorn the Unforgiven Juve knife, Autopistol 35 6 +1ws
Wren Juve knife, Stubgun 35 9 fast shot
Robyn (as she's a girl lol) Ganger knife, Laspistol 40 21 marksman, rapid fire - lasgun, +2BS
Pidgeon Juve knife, autopistol 40 8 +1ws

Stash: 56 creds. 1 Laspistol, 1 stubgun.
Slag (15)
Workshop (D6x10)
Old ruins (10)
Mineral Outcrop (D6x10)
guilder contract (D6x10)
Gang Rating: 1409

General fluffiness will be written as and when I've thought of it....

now, cross fingers the table works.... lol

and all mistakes will be rectified when I've got the roster in front of me tomorrow, as this is mostly from memory!
What do we need?
We'll need biscuits, lots of biscuits......

Angry_Panda's website, it's not big, smart, or clever (or even finished for that matter!) but it's mine!!!

If you want to play a game of something i own, then just ask!
oops, can't get anything past you Angry Panda, just seeing if you were paying attention...

I'd overcosted my leader cos he originally had frag grenades but I switched it to a hand flamer, list now adjusted! Sorry!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Well..... your forgiven! Lol.

I was having issues trying to work out my rota costs, and that was the only reason I even noticed!

Still need to actually pull my finger out and make my gang mind.....
What do we need?
We'll need biscuits, lots of biscuits......

Angry_Panda's website, it's not big, smart, or clever (or even finished for that matter!) but it's mine!!!

If you want to play a game of something i own, then just ask!
The "Grey Area Gang" summary as of 15th November 2012:

House Delaque Stash Cost Experience Gang Rating
The Grey Area Gang
35 credits

Territory Income
Slag 1
Slag 2
Slag 3
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
like the table Stu! Looks good, maths seems fine although don't count on me! Only thing you might possibly consider changing is giving your heavy with the heavy stubber a second weapon like a pistol in case he fails an ammo roll and is just left with a knife. Any 6 to hit with his sustained fire means he has to make a 4+ ammo roll or the weapon can't fire for the rest of the game. Not essential though cos you will probably have creds for it after your first game.

I am going to try and sort out a table like yours now...
It works!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Cheers Chris - will take a look at that second weapon option on the heavy.

Nice table Smile
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Good grief, I go play Battletech for an afternoon, and now everyone's doing tables?! that's it, I must attempt one myself! lol

The only thing I might comment about is the same as Chris, having a secondary weapon for your heavy. Possibly drop the 2 dum-dum's for the juves, and have a las pistol / auto pistol for him just as an incase?

Or just cross fingers you don't run out of ammo! That's been my plan before!
What do we need?
We'll need biscuits, lots of biscuits......

Angry_Panda's website, it's not big, smart, or clever (or even finished for that matter!) but it's mine!!!

If you want to play a game of something i own, then just ask!
Good call - gone for an autopistol on the heavy and taken the dums-dums off the Juves.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."

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