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Salute 2012 Cutlass! Table
Cracking on with the ship - which rather embarrasingly I've only just realised is a Sea Prince rather than a Merchantman, the latter being from Ainsty and from whom I've sought advice on painting it Blush

Fair bit of prep done (lots of resin "runs" to remove) but I'm not happy with the cardboard floor so I'm applying balsa wood planks to it instead.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
What scenario's are you running at the shows? There are some tiny little treasure chests in amongst the items I have to paint, and I was wondering if they would be better based up, and used as some kind of movable loot counter. There are only two metal ones, but there are also some larger resin items, I could do the same with.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Good idea to base em, I'd do it.

The secret to getting things painted in time, is probably not running out of paint. Looks like it's a trip up Rectory Rd tomorrow.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Finished laying down the wooden deck on the ship (a big improvement over the cardboard) and it's fully prepped and ready for spraying.


I'll have the ship hull, masts and deck all painted this week, then I need to figure out the rigging. Mrs. D is going to sort out some good material for the furled sails.

Luke has nailed a really good technique for painting wood, so he's going to tackle the harbour.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
looking good gents. Gaz your boats and stuff looking good painted Smile
History is written by the victors - Sir Winston Churchill
14 more barrel and crate items finished yesterday/today. Still have two more being worked on, and two I missed when doing the undercoat. But I think I will start work on some non-wooden items tomorrow. Trying to get 2 hours in a night now. This Saturday see's me in Dudley picking up my VC from GW, and I hope Sunday will see me watching some of the UK Malifaux / Warhammer Masters at Maelstrom in Mansfield, so part of the weekend will be lost. I guess with only one other weekend though, I hope to have it all finished asap.

Loot / Treasure items and basing. Si is there any particular way you want them done? For mini items, there are 3 treasure chests and a small barrel, but there are some individual crates, and perhaps some of those bag items, so secondly how many do you want based?
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Do you have any horse bases ? We could put the 3 small chests and a barrel on one horse base. If you don't have some I have plenty. Or maybe mix it up, 2 chests barrel and crate on one base. 1 chest and a couple of crates on the other. For the show's I'm toying with the idea of having a treasure area in one of the buildings, the aim being to find the treasure and escape to the boat. Whoever gets the treasure to the boat gets some for of prize (not sure what yet).

I'd just base it as normal, i'm using a desert yellow drybrush on top of the initial dark basecoat, followed by a lighter drybrush (iraqi sand or something similar in this case) just to give the ground a sandy effect.

But more done today. All items have now been washed, and will be under coated tomorrow. Of the 60 items I have here (counting individual parts of one piece as separate items,) I am now 1/4 of the way through. Or 15 of 60 bits done. Expect me to not paint wood for a while afterwards, though.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
(13-01-2012, 10:21 PM)Gareth Wrote: But more done today. All items have now been washed, and will be under coated tomorrow. Of the 60 items I have here (counting individual parts of one piece as separate items,) I am now 1/4 of the way through. Or 15 of 60 bits done. Expect me to not paint wood for a while afterwards, though.

Great work Gaz. It will look great when we put it all together.

Gravestones and tombs are more or less done.

I'm on the last bits of the buildings now, before finishing off the boards next week.

I'd like to have all my stuff done by a week tomorrow, so I can concentrate on the rest of the jungle terrain and my figures.

Keep it up, we're on the home straight now!

I've notified the guys at selwg that we're running the Cutlass game as participation.


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