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Precinct Omega paints...
I felt strongly that the Whelps needed to have a different "feel" to their "runes". This was my solution.

As promised, army pics:

[Image: 111011RAE-Trollbloods-Army2.jpg]

[Image: 111011RAE-Trollbloods-Army1.jpg]

A bit of fun I threw together over the weekend:

[Image: 111114-Props-SteampunkDerringer.jpg]

It's for sale!

Here's the sales blurb:

In these dangerous times, one can never be certain that a tentacular threat might not be lurking, just out of sight, perhaps hidden in the non-Euclidean geometries of that sinister crack in the wall or summoned from hellish dimensions by the misguided meddlings of those that ought to know better!

Others might quail at the sight of cyclopean interlopers or of formless shoggoths when these monstrous denizens of a parallel universe interrupt an otherwise perfectly excellent afternoon tea, but not you! No! For you shall produce - perhaps from a dainty handbag or a convenient ticket pocket - Professor Omega's Aethyric Derringer! Pre-charged with a guaranteed four, full-strength blasts of aethyric excresence, this handy device is a must-have for the modern adventurer or adventuress, perfect for those occasions when more serious hardware might be inappropriate or even rude!

Lovingly hand-crafted*, this essential tool of any modern explorer in the realms of the Unknown can be yours!


IMPORTANT NOTE: Professor Omega's Aethyric Derringer is a non-firing prop and will not actually blast Deep Ones, Old Ones, Shoggoths, Night Gaunts or any other Cthuluesque horrors into convenient, fun-sized blobs of protoplasm. This device runs entirely on imagination.

Approximately 130cm/7" long. The item is made mostly of plastic and has been hand-painted with a metallic/wood finish, given a coat of satin varnish to preserve the paintwork and gloss varnish on the "wooden" areas.

*From and old toy and found items.

More Chaos stuff:

[Image: 111018ROS-WarriorsofChaos-ChaosHounds.jpg]

[Image: 111018ROS-WarriorsofChaos-ChaosSpawn.jpg]

And also Chaos, but of a different ilk:

[Image: 111018LAI-BrassScorpion-WIP.jpg]

Honestly, one of the best things about this job are is the cool stuff I get to paint.

Back from my hols and back to work:

[Image: 111030BUR-FleshTearers-VetSqd.jpg]

[Image: 111030BEA-IronHands-Vindicator2-3.jpg]

[Image: 111021BEA-IronHands-Vindicator1-1.jpg]

How do You make the effect that all Your models in Your pictures are on the white background?
WFB (DE) 2014...W-D-L...2-0-0
Today I finally got started on this project that's been awaiting my attention for over a month:

[Image: 111031KEH-GreyKnights-Warhound-WIP1.jpg]

The client wants the whole interior painted and magnetized with removable plates and magnets at the waist and weapons, so the model has been built to this stage ready for priming. The only thing I've not yet finished are the cables attaching the weapons to the titan, as that's a fairly complex little process.

The difference it made having built three of these and a Reaver already was enormous. I got this whole thing done in a day, when last time the build on each titan took the best part of a week.

I use PaintShop Pro (basically a cheaper, not-quite-as-user-friendly version of PhotoShop). I am preparing an article on this very subject, but basically I take a photo of the model, well-lit, against a white background, then use the "magic wand" selection tool and other selection tools to select the background (easy if the background is all one colour), then invert the selection (so I've selected the models), contract the selection one pixel, feather (inside and out) 2 pixels and copy and paste the selection onto a plain white background. The first few times you do it, it's a little fiddly and takes longer than you expect. I'm a few hundred tries in and can now do it really quite quickly.

Most of it is now primed.  The upper torso, by the way is still in several pieces, but they fit together so well that I can put them together on the legs without needing to glue them (obviously, when they're painted, they'll be glued together).

[Image: 1111011KEH-GreyKnights-Warhound-WIP2.jpg]

I haven't, actually, magnetized the top carapace or head carapace, as I've run out of the relevant magnets thanks to another project involving lot of magnetizing.  But when I've bought some more, I'll add them in.  It's not difficult.

im thinking about buying a titan soon how much you charge for your paint jobs?
As always, I don't discuss specifics because different projects have different challenges and titans more than most. However, when it comes to titans, as a ball-park figure I usually suggest that people assume it will cost about the same to have it painted as to buy it in the first place.

ok thanks for that

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