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Hail Caesar
Interesting, according to suppliers the release data for the lists is 29/10/2011.

I'm in no great rush for the lists yet, as Cutlass followed by FoW will easily occupy the hour I have each night to do anything.

Also, don't forget that there is some warlord stuff here, and if you use the redwarsoc code you'll get 5% off.

(20-10-2011, 12:27 PM)Simon Wrote: Interesting, according to suppliers the release data for the lists is 29/10/2011.

That's the date Maelstrom have too. I'm in no rush so I've ordered it from them, making use of their most recent discount code.

Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Biblical & Classical army list book arrived today. I'll probably look to build one army from this era I think, then another from the Late Antiquity, Dark Age and Medieval book when that is released.

Si, Alan - I'll get Luke to bring the book along on Tuesday if you want to have a look.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Mine arrived this morning.

DaveN has Imperial Roman and Barbarian ( gauls or germans ) in 25/8mm

and the following in 15mm

Seleucid, Macedonian, Ancient British, Republic Roman, Carthaginian, Assyrian (middle period)

I think these are all based for DBx.

right well ill have a gander at the book and if somones nice an intro game maybe useing a fraction someone got/played with but im pretty sure im going to get a carthaginian force and do the barka famliy proud
Ha ha! Carthage you will be crushed before my roman legions as you tremble as my auxileres march towards your shattered lines! Glory to Roma!
My armies!
28mm Ancients:Early Imperial Romans (Roman invasion of Britainnia and Germainia with segmented armour) Legio II Augusta along with Praetorian Guard
15mm ww2: British infantry company (ussaully, thought I got a company of tanks)
28mm Napleonics: Austrain- 1st Landwehr (Silly hats)

History lover

"They were the first Greeks, as far as I know, to charge at a run, and the first to dare look without flinching at Persian dress and the men who wore it; for until that day came, no Greek could even hear the word Persian without terror." -Herodotus

I have LOADS of hail caesar, I bought a starter set (not the one you were talking about Stuart, some other one) And it came with about 60 legionares and 20 praetorains, and now my brother found his unbuilt legion ares, and gave them to me, so that I had 140 men!
I just need some missle units and mabye a touch of light cavalry and then I can get my army up and running. I have put half my army on square bases. I'm gonna get dome spray from halfords, I should have enough paint. So yes, my legion will be ready by the end of the summer holydays but I can always have a few games inbetween, Me and Tom had an awesome game. I gave Tom about 35 Germans and now his is getting a big army, thought I am araid because I have the most people are going to ally against me. Cause I have the most. Smile Bring it on!
My armies!
28mm Ancients:Early Imperial Romans (Roman invasion of Britainnia and Germainia with segmented armour) Legio II Augusta along with Praetorian Guard
15mm ww2: British infantry company (ussaully, thought I got a company of tanks)
28mm Napleonics: Austrain- 1st Landwehr (Silly hats)

History lover

"They were the first Greeks, as far as I know, to charge at a run, and the first to dare look without flinching at Persian dress and the men who wore it; for until that day came, no Greek could even hear the word Persian without terror." -Herodotus

New supplement now available:
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."

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