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500 Pt escalation Campaign
Right, my rapiers have arrived and i can field a 500 point list not next week but definately the week after (the 7th) so i was thinking, if the next round is not until the week after that (the 14th) me and arif could play our 500 point games on the 7th and be ready for the next round on the 14th? Thoughts Arif and Vince?
Next round is the 7th. I won't be around for this one - will be back in for the next one... 1050 point list in progress.
40K - Tyranids (4500 Points) & Chaos - The Purge and the Brazen Host (8500 Points)
30K - Death Guard (2000ish Points), Sons of Horus (175 Points because Loken) + World Eaters, soon.
Project Log
"Only a fool takes Khârn for a mindless brute or rabid dog. Under that blood-soaked helm lurks an intelligence and cunning that makes him a masterful killer - trust me when I say that there is a dark purpose in his madness."
im cool for a 500pt game Matt.. i thought we were both team Taudar though???
X-wing: any side
Bolt action: 8ths armoured US division
work-in-progress, 7th british armoured division (desert rats) early war
Infinity: Work-in-progress, neoterran capitaline army
(20-03-2015, 08:36 PM)will Wrote:
(20-03-2015, 11:40 AM)Peachy Wrote:
(19-03-2015, 10:02 PM)will Wrote:
(19-03-2015, 02:45 PM)Dedwoods42 Wrote: When is the next campaign night?
If it's the 14th of April - fancy that 2v2 against myself and Will's Hive Fleets?
I would be up for a 2v2 hive fleet alliance. maybe this tuesday coming up?

Also vince when would you like our additions/updated lists done by

I will take up the challenge with Baalborn to stem the tide of the hive fleet. So reinforcements can arrive in system!

I've just spotted dan has a game already organised the Tuesday coming so will have to be the week after (31st) I guess?

Works for me to.
For the Angelic Horde!
I'll have a sort out and update Monday (a lot going on last couple of weeks!), if you guys could drop your updated lists to me by next Wednesday please.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
(27-03-2015, 08:16 PM)manrogue Wrote: I'll have a sort out and update Monday (a lot going on last couple of weeks!), if you guys could drop your updated lists to me by next Wednesday please.

"Whatever unit you choose must stay in you army,the only thing that can be changed is upgrades at month end when you gain your 250 points."

I've kept the units (tacticals etc) but want to change the number down/up etc, am I only allowed to go up in terms of models (upgrade) or move the points around into others units.
No units have been removed since the 500pts list, just trying to redistribute the points around the units for 750pts.

This is so I can submit a legal list for weds.
Due to a transmission from the Forgefather requesting assistance, all Salamanders forces have withdrawn, to aid him in his quest!
Salamanders 6000pts
Grey knights 1000pts
Into the fires of battle unto the anvil of war!
Apologies for lack of updates guys, been very ill last couple of weeks. I'll try and get back on top of things this week and am going to move round 2 to the 14th.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
(07-04-2015, 09:46 AM)manrogue Wrote: Apologies for lack of updates guys, been very ill last couple of weeks. I'll try and get back on top of things this week and am going to move round 2 to the 14th.

Hope you're okay mate. I'll be there on 14th. Can't make it tonight, I'm going to see Shrek in Birmingham Smile
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55
Thats ok. Give me a chance to get on top of painting
For the Angelic Horde!

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