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(23-08-2011, 11:21 PM)stygmatyr Wrote: Had a great game with alan tonight, and looking back i can say purely on points left on the table, alan won that one, as i had 2 points with my beast handlers and he had 10 points with his stalker

i think thats a bit hard on urshelf when i would have said u won it since u would have killed my stalker next turn and kaya agasint an assain would have taken me back to mortal kombat and finish her move
but it was a good game Smile
Based on 'caster points it was a draw, but based on points I think that Mike may have just snatched it. Although, I was fairly close to his cater with a Crusader, Guardian and my Templar was closing in fast. Plus, he hadn't really moved towards my sev, but I don't know what to call it, a draw or victory to Mike. (Bear in mind I still had my feat!)
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)
Chalk a victory to Alan against me. Learnt a fair bit though.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Based on points Luke won Vs my Khador by a 2pt lead.
Warmachine (Retribution of Scyrah, Khador), Hordes (Trollbloods, Blindwater Congregation), Bolt Action (IJA Infantry Section, Soviet Russia Armoured Platoon), SAGA (Norse-Gaels (WIP)), Deadzone (Enforcers, Forge Fathers)
I don't think that it was a victory to me, as neither of us could touch each other's caster, and if anything, then I think that it might have just been edging towards you a bit, as I was beggining to get worried at the end... Smile.
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)
this sounds really cool i nearlly have 25pts ready for a game so stuarts cygnar will be given reinforcements lol.
my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green

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