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Tuesday 27th January 2015
(22-01-2015, 12:36 PM)Stuart Wrote: I think Simon is play Charli at Warmachine?

Anyone free for 40K with Kev?

I sure am. Time to dust off my Warmachine models!
Warmachine (Retribution of Scyrah, Khador), Hordes (Trollbloods, Blindwater Congregation), Bolt Action (IJA Infantry Section, Soviet Russia Armoured Platoon), SAGA (Norse-Gaels (WIP)), Deadzone (Enforcers, Forge Fathers)
W40K: Blood Ravens / Orks / Inquisitor / Imperial Guard
Warhammer: Dwarfs
Warmachine: Protectorate of Menoth / Khador / Cygar / Circle
Malifaux: Started Neverborn and Outcasts
(19-01-2015, 07:55 PM)Peachy Wrote: Back after a long absence and will be looking for a game of 40k around 1500-1750pts if anyone's interested.

I'll play you. If we do 1500pts I can use my Tyranids, if you want to do more I'll have to use my blood angels.
Warhammer Fantasy Beastmen, Woodelves; Warhammer 40K Dark Eldar, Blood angels, Tyranids; Battlefleet Gothic Imperial, Dark Eldar; Saga Vikings; Guild ball Masons; Dropzone Commander & Dropfleet PHR, UCM(dropfleet only); Lord of the rings Mordor, Gundabad; Beyond the gates of Antares Ghar Outcast Rebels
Quote:"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like"

1500pts will be great as haven't played for a few months now, need to get back into the swing of things.
Unfortunately won't be a fully painted force.
Salamanders 6000pts
Grey knights 1000pts
Into the fires of battle unto the anvil of war!
lets have a game then steve.
X-wing: any side
Bolt action: 8ths armoured US division
work-in-progress, 7th british armoured division (desert rats) early war
Infinity: Work-in-progress, neoterran capitaline army
Ok mate, you have 1033pts. If you short of figs, I can lend you some!
Flames of War- Irish Guards    Bloodbowl- Orcs, Humans
Cutlass- Teddy Bear Pirates     Warhammer- Bretonnia, Ogres
6mm WW2- XXX Corps            28mm WW2- Rules of Engagement, Bolt Action, Chain of Command
28mm Zulu War- Still painting !!  SAGA Normans, Saracens
Bolt Action - German and British Infantry
Malifaux - Gremlins
Guildball - Butchers,Hunters, Farmers
Me and Mick will be taking to the streets of Mega city one with some Judge Dredd
WARHAMMER/AGE OF SIGMAR:  khorne warriors of chaos
WARMACHINE: Khador, mercenaries 
BOLT ACTION 51st highlander division (in progress)
KILL TEAM: Adeptus mechanicus

Don't play near me. I love Dredd!
Flames of War- Irish Guards    Bloodbowl- Orcs, Humans
Cutlass- Teddy Bear Pirates     Warhammer- Bretonnia, Ogres
6mm WW2- XXX Corps            28mm WW2- Rules of Engagement, Bolt Action, Chain of Command
28mm Zulu War- Still painting !!  SAGA Normans, Saracens
Bolt Action - German and British Infantry
Malifaux - Gremlins
Guildball - Butchers,Hunters, Farmers
A friend of mine works for 2000ad as an artist, amoungst other places. I'm sure I posted some of his work in the past, and his miniatures are a thing of beauty. Never seen him paint any Dredd stuff though.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Anyone up for some 40k?
40k - Dark Eldar /// Fantasy - Warriors of Chaos

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