... Bloodstrike Missiles, Bloodsong, Blood Crozius, Liturgies of Blood, Bloodshard Shells, The Sanguinor (in toto), the Blood Reaver, Blood Talons, Blood Fists, Magna-Grapple, The Bloodtide, The Vault of Labyrinths, Nemesis Dreadknights, Nemesis DOOOOOOOOMfists, Lord Kaldor Draigo (in toto), units of Daemonhosts, Nemesis Warding Staff, the Ulumeathi Plasma Syphon, NuCrons, C'Tan Shards, an army of robots that still requires robots to pilot their robots, The Alliance at Devil's Crag (aka. The Bro-Fist heard across the Imperum), Tomb Blades...
Now I don't think he has been to bad in WFB. Maybe because the games just more balanced and not for 9 year old power gamers (thats my dig Vince.) After all he never managed the lofty heights Vetok did with the Skaven book (9 page FAQ anyone??)