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New space wolf releases
Also hoping for massive loophole haha characters cant join vehicles...... Dosent say vehicles cant join units!! Im assuming he will lose the rule but i can always hope!!
Funnily enough Nick i read a massive thread on something similar involving the catacomb command barge about a month ago here-
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
(02-08-2014, 08:32 PM)Nick1988 Wrote: Also hoping for massive loophole haha characters cant join vehicles...... Dosent say vehicles cant join units!! Im assuming he will lose the rule but i can always hope!!

Like it!

Hmm Wave Serpent with Mantle Autarch :p haha :p

I'm looking more and more at Chariots and they are excellent against anything but Wraithknights and Swooping Hawks :p

You'll be happy Nick, you have jaws back, albeit nerfed slightly-
Quote:6. Jaws of the World Wolf (Warp charge 2)
Jaws of the World Wolf is a Focused Witchfire power which targets a single non-vehicle unit within 18" or less.
A model hit by Jaws of the World Wolf must make an Initiative check. Monstrous Creatures pass this check automatically.
If the model passes this check, nothing happens, but if it fails, it is removed from the game.

Rest of psychic powers for you-

Quote:Primaris Power: Living Lightning (WC 1)
18", S7, AP-, Assault 3, Shock
Shock: For each 6 obtained To Hit, target suffers 2 additional hits, unless the roll was for Snap Shots.

1. Stormcaller (WC 1)
Blessing. Psyker and his unit gain Obscured [presumably Shrouded?]

2. Tempest's Wrath (WC 1)
Malediction, targets an enemy unit within 18".
All models in the unit -1 BS, and treat all terrain as Dangerous, even open terrain.
Also, unless Immobilized, all models in the target unit with the type Jump, Jet, Jetbike, FMC, Flyer, or Skimmer, must take an immediate Dangerous Terrain check.

3. Thunderclap (WC 1)
Nova, 12", S3, AP-, Assault 2D6

4. Murderous Hurricane (WC 2)
Witchfire, 18", S4, AP-, Assault 1, Large Blast, Acerado [Rending, maybe Shred?]

5. Fury of the Wolf Spirits (WC 2)
Uses both profiles below, one at a time and in any order.
Both attacks target the same unit.

Fury of Freki, 18" S6 AP- Assault 4
Fury of Geri, 18" S5 AP2 Assault 2, Precision Shots
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
More info for you as well, a lot of stuff has access to dedicated flyers.

Blood claws with dedicated flyer transport, giving it objective secured? Tasty!
Quote: Deadshot wrote:Grey Hunters
5-10 per unit, 14ppm

Power Armour
Bolt Pistol
Bolter (Grey Hunter Only)
CCW (Wolf Guard Pack Leader Only)

Special rules
Acute Senses

CCW are 2ppm
1 per squad may take a power weapon at 15ppm or Power fist at 25ppm
One GH can replace his Bolt Pistol for a plasma pistol 15ppm
For every 5 models, one may take a Special weapon.
One GH may become a WG Pack Leader 15pts
1 GH per detachment may take what I can only assume is a Wolf Banner/Standard. Can't make it out properly.
The WGPL may take weapons from the Melee Weapons and Ranged Weapons lists and may take Melta Bombs.
The WGPL may exchange his BP, CCW, PA and Grenades for TDA, Stormbolter and Power Weapon.
A WGT Pack Leader may take only from the Terminator Weapons.
May take a Rhino, Razorback or Drop Pod or Stormfang Assault Craft

Deadshot wroteBig Grinreadnought 95pts

Power Fist with Built in Storm Bolter

Can take from Dreadnought weapons list.
Can swap PF for
Wolf Claw (retain SB) 5pts
Missile Launcher 10pts
Twin Linked Autocannon 15pts
Can swap SB for Heavy Flamer 10pts
Take Extra Armour 10pts
Smoke Launchers 5pts
Can upgrade to Venerable Status 25pts
One Venerable Dreadnought (must be Venerable, one per army) can swap their MM and PF+SB for the Axe of Fenris and Blizzard Shield. 25pts
May take a Drop Pod

Next is Bjorn.

Deadshot wrote:Bjorn

220pts, Saga of Majesty.

Assault Cannon
Smoke Launchers

Special Rules
Adds 1 to Steal the Initiative
5+ Invulnerable Save

Can swap Assault Cannon for
Plasma or Helfrost Cannon for free
TL Lascannon for 5pts.

Relic: "True Claw?"
Str 10
AP 2
Master Crafted, Shred

Drop Pod option.

Deadshot wrote:

Harald Deathwolf.

190pts base


Power Armour
Frost Axe
Bolt Pistol
Storm Shield
Thunderwolf Mount. Apparently TW are now Wargear.

Special Rules

Independent Character
Acute Senses

Space Wolf units with the Unit Type Beasts or Cavalry can use his Ld value while within 12" of him.

Saga of the Wolf

Can take up to 2 Fenrisian Wolves for 8ppm

Wolf Scouts

Scout Armour
Bolt Pistol
Power Armour for WGPL

Special Rules
Acute Senses
Move Through Cover

5-10 Scouts per unit, 14ppm
Can take CCW for 2ppm
One model may become WGPL for 10ppm
WGPL may take Ranged and Melee Weapons and Melta Bombs
Any Scout can swap their Bolter for a Shotgun or CCW for free, or a Sniper Rifle for 1ppm
Up to 2 Scouts may swap their Bolter for a Plasma Pistol or Power Weapon for 15ppm per weapon.
One Scout may swap his Bolter for a Heavy or Special Weapon.

Deadshot wrote:

Blood Claws
5-15 Blood Claws, 12ppm

Power Armour

Special Rules
Acute Senses


One may swap BP for Plasma Pistol 15pts
One may swap their CCW for a Power Weapon (15pts) or Power Fist (25pts)
One Blood Claw may take a Special Weapon and if the squad numbers 15 models, another Blood Claw may take one too.
One Blood Claw upgrade to WGPL for 10pts
May take Melee and Ranged weapons and Melta Bombs (5pts)
May swap all his gear for TDA, Power Weapon and Stormbolter, and then may take only from the Terminator Weapons
Squad may take Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod or Stormfang Assault Craft


5-10 Skyclaws, 15ppm

Power Armour
Jump Pack

Special Rules
Acute Senses
Rage (Skyclaws Only)

2 Skyclaws may swap their Bolt Pistols for
Flamer 5pts
Meltagun 10pts
Plasma Gun or Pistol 15pts
One Skyclaw may swap his CCW for a
Power Weapon 15pts
Power Fist 25pts
One may upgrade to a Wolf Guard Sky Leader
May take from Ranged and Melee Weapons
May take Melta Bombs for 5pts
No option to remove Jump Packs or get a transport of any kind.

Deadshot wrote:

Wolf Guard 90pts base
4 WG, 1 WGPL

Power Armour

Special Rules
Acute Senses

+5 Wolf Guard 18ppm
Any model may swap their Bolter for a CCW for free (mix and match allowed)
Any model may take from Ranged and Melee weapons (mix and match allowed)
Any model may have Melta Bombs for 5ppm

The unit may have Jump Packs for 3ppm or Bikes for 7ppm!!!
May take a Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod or Stormfang Assault Craft OR any of the Land Raiders

Deadshot wrote:Long Fangs 30pts base

1 Long Fang
1 Long Fang Ancient (sergeant)

Bolt Pistol
Power Armour

Special Rules
Acute Senses
Split Fire

+4 Long Fangs 15ppm
Ancient may swap his pistol or Chainsword for a Power Weapon or Plasma Pistol (15pts) or Power Fist 25pts
Ancient may have Melta Bombs 5pts
4 Long Fangs can have Heavy Weapons and Ancient can have a Special weapon.
One Long Fang can be upgraded to a WGPL for 10pts (only use for the awkward 5th Long Fang I think) for 10pts
May take Melee and Ranged weapons and Melta Bombs (5pts)
May swap all his gear for TDA, Power Weapon and Stormbolter, and then may take only from the Terminator Weapons
Squad may take Rhino, Razorback, Drop Pod or Stormfang Assault Craft
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I think I will stick to my old codex for now Tongue
Cheers Vince!

I not really rate the powers.. And looking forward to seeing what the rest of the book is going to look like.

Yeah, new powers suck, my riptides rejoice in the fact you can't make them disappear with Jaws! Tongue

Really like the fact you can put most things in flyers, could be a nice strike force made up of drop pods and flyers.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
More leaks of the codex-
Quote: Deadshot wrote:Logan Grimnar. Unknown base cost. Lord of War

Terminator Armour
Belt of Russ

Saga of Majesty

Special Rules
Eternal Warrior
Independent Character
Acute Senses

May take Stormrider at +70pts

Axe of Morkai

Grimnar may elect to use the Axe of Morkai one handed or Two Handed. He may freely choose which attack is going to be (ie, can choose 3x 1 handed and 1x 2 handed). This decision must be made before any blows are struck.

1 hand----2 handed
Rg -
Str +2 --- x2
AP 3 ---- 2
Melee ----Melee, 2 handed, Unwieldy.


While riding Stormrider, Logan may move 12" in the movement phase. Stormrider itself has a 4+ Invulnerable Save. All Penetrating Hits against Stormrider count instead as Glancing Hits. Grimnar loses its special rule Deep Strike (which is given by his Terminator armor) can not join another unit or be joined by Independent Characters. While riding Stormrider, Logan may make an additional 4 Attacks at Str 5, AP- with the "Steely?" Special Rule. "This may provide an additional motion during combat to Join?" I'm thinking it means he has additional charge range but none is specified.

Psychic Powers

Primaris, Warp Charge 1

Witchfire with the following profile
Rg 18"
Str 7
Assault 3, Shock

Shock: Rolls of 6 to Hit automatically cause 2 more hits, unless Snap Firing.

1- Name Unknown, Warp Charge 1

This is a Blessing that targets the caster and his unit. For the remainder of the turn, the Psyker and his unit are Obscured.

2- Wrath of the Storm, Warp Charge 1
This is a Malediction that targets a single enemy unit within 18". For the remainder of the turn, that unit has -1 BS, and treats all terrain as Dangerous Terrain, even open Terrain. If the unit is a Jump, Jet, Jetbike, FMC, Flyer or Skimmer unit, or Immobilised, it must immediately take a Dangerous Terrain Test.

3- Thunderclap, Warp Charge 1
Nova with profile
Rg 12"
Str 3
Assault 2D6

4- Murderous Hurricane, Warp Charge 2
Rg 18"
Str 4
Assault 1, Large Blast, "Steely?"

5- Fury of the Wolf Spirits, Warp Charge 2

When manifesting this power the Psyker can shoot with the 2 profiles shown below, one at a time in any order. Both must target the same unit.

Range 18"
str 6 --- 5
AP - ---- 6
Assault 4----- Assault 2, Precision Shots

Jaws of the World Wolf, Warp Charge 2
Focussed Witchfire, Range 18"

Model hit takes Initiative Test, if it fails remoce it from play. Monstrous Creatures automatically pass the test and vehicles cannot be targetted.

Sagas/Warlord Traits

1- of the Warrior Born
Reroll failex hits in CC.

2- of the Wolf
The Warlord and any unit of Beasts or Cavalry he joins from Faction:Space Wolves has Stubborn. Also, any Beasts or Cavalry units from Faction Space Wolves within 12" of the Warlord gains Furious Charge until the end of the assault Phase

3- of the Beastslayer
Grants the Warlord Monster Hunter

4- of the Bear
Grants the Warlord Feel No Pain (6+)

5- of the Hunter
Grants the Warlord Scout and Outflank

6- of Majesty
Any unit of Space Wolves within 12" may reroll Morale and Pinning

Deadshot wrote:Special Rules in the summary Section. The pattern goes from top left to bottom right.


Murderfang is immune to Crew Shaken and Crew Stunned but still loses a Hull Point.

Drop Pod Assault
As normal

Cunning of the Wolf (Great Company Formation ONLY)
During deployment, roll a D6 for each unit in the formation and add +2 if they are troops or have an IC from the Formation attached to the unit. On a roll of 6+, the unit gains the Outflank rule. Additionally, at the start of any turn except the first, you may choose which units to keep in deployment instead of rolling. These units enter ongoing reserves and come in automatically next turn.

Howl of War?
Ragnar Blackmane and his unit have Furious Charge

Howl of the Wolf? (Great Company only)
The Wolf Lord from the formation and his unit have Furious Charge and Fleet.

As normal

"Demented Bravado"
Ragnar Blackmane must issue and accept challenges where possible.

Grimnar's Champion
Arjac Rockfist must issue and accept challenges where possible, and may reroll to hit rolls in a challenge.

The Last Laugh
If Lukas the Trickster is slain in a challenge, each player must roll a dice. If the Space Wolf player rolls high, Lukas' opponent is also removed as a casualty.

Great Company Formation

Note these Rules apply to this formation ONLY!


1 Wolf Lord
1 Wolf Guard Battle Leader
1 Unit of Wolf Guard
1 Unit of Wolf Scouts
2 Units of Long Fangs
3 Units chosen from; Blood Claws, Skyclaws, Swiftclaws, in any combination.
5 Units of Grey Hunters. One unit must have the Wolf Standard.

Formation special rules

Cunning of the Wolf
During deployment, roll a D6 for each unit in the formation and add +2 if they are troops or have an IC from the Formation attached to the unit. On a roll of 6+, the unit gains the Outflank rule. Additionally, at the start of any turn except the first, you may choose which units to keep in deployment instead of rolling. These units enter ongoing reserves and come in automatically next turn.

Howl of the Wolf
The Wolf Lord and his unit from this Formation have the Furious Charge and Fleet special rule.

Jarl of Russ (Jarl is SW lingo)
The Warlord may reroll his Saga if chosen from this Formation.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
If anyone gets a digital copy of the codex could they send me the link please?! ''cough vince' haha the logan grimnar suppliment sounds really cool too! Dont wanna spend £60 on the two books if its garbage though!!

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