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Tuesday 25th February 2014
OK Rob and I are gonna play 40k instead of Blood Bowl.
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Still a few games to sort out this week.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Cracking game of SAGA with John - this time his Warlord managed to see off an attack from not just 8 but 12 Heathguard! A great laugh.

Apologies for not packing our table away, there was insufficient space to navigate between the games still going on when I headed off early to spare you all my coughing.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Cheers for the game Ben. Annoying to have got the scenario but lose, then roll pathetically afterwards. Still onwards and downwards, for round three.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
Good game tonight Vince! Your list is terrifying! Not sure i played mine properly so some definate tweeks needed! You should take it to tournaments mate! Can see it doing really well!
Cheers Gareth, yeah that was odd, i assumed you'd still win having got the objective for the scenario.

quick query, i left the box i brought the cakes from my wife at the hall, did anyone grab it? if so can you bring it next week!!
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
(26-02-2014, 12:10 AM)Nick1988 Wrote: Good game tonight Vince! Your list is terrifying! Not sure i played mine properly so some definate tweeks needed! You should take it to tournaments mate! Can see it doing really well!

Cheers Nick, enjoyed it myself!

Yeah, i like the list you used, as you say a few tweaks here and there.

I think inexperience with the list didn't help either, but the core is solid.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Cheers for the game Chris, was a brutal and enjoyable encounter, sorry I wasn't much help when you were looking for list advice, was so tired I couldn't really concentrate :p.

Right, looking at your list, I would personally drop the tactical squads and Chaplain (need space for Azrael)

I would add in Az, another chunky Bike squad, some fast attack Black Knights and then spend the 300+ points on additional bikes, I like Attack Bikes but use them like I use my Jetbikes, they do nothing 99% of the time but fly around looking places the enemy are not... maybe even look at a Bike squad from the Marine codex with Grav Guns... maybe even drop the Scouts and go for 2 units and/or a Command squad from the Marine dex with 4 Grav Guns and Combi-Grav... Wink hmm choices :p

Also the Thunder Fire cannon with Rad Grenade support makes people cry if they're T4 to begin with Wink

Yeah cheers for the game Rob. I felt the list was good but missed the extra black knights. The tacticals didn't do much so I guess I'm either gonna try dropping them for two units of DA scouts and spend the extra points on more black knights or a land raider crusader for one of the scouts to go in, or go with your advice which is really switching back to my tournament list except with a Libby instead of the chaplain. Will just have to try all the ideas!

May look into acquiring some vanilla bikes instead of the brazen claw scouts and see how they do.

Good to finally face the beast pack, it's like running into a brick wall that keeps moving around!
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
(26-02-2014, 07:51 AM)Simian Wrote: Cheers Gareth, yeah that was odd, i assumed you'd still win having got the objective for the scenario.

quick query, i left the box i brought the cakes from my wife at the hall, did anyone grab it? if so can you bring it next week!!

Not sure. If it got left, it's probably with Nina. I did pick up your Scatter Die.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen

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