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Imperial guard in April
Thought i would start a thread for the new guard codex rumours, with one awesome one-
Quote:40Kradio wrote on facebook-
As you may have seen on other sites Febraury is all about the Dwarfs. So for you fans of the short and bearded get pumped. March will see the release of Imperial Knights. This year is shaping up to be a good one.
When asked for clarification-
Quote: We believe it will be release through the new WD format. The week of the Release, you will get the rules in the WD.
Rules will go back into WD and the Knights rules will most likley go in there as well.

Some older rumours-
Quote:Posted by Larry Vela on Bell of Lost Souls :

* Codex Imperial Guard launches in March 2014
* Look for many refreshes in the codex rules.
* Expanded command system with the return of Doctrines
* The missing IG tanks will be released:
- Griffon/Collosus/Medusa artillery kit
* Stormtroopers released
* Veterans released
--> These two infantry kits include many, many optional bits to build command squads and even penal troops.
* New centerpiece kit is a Horus Heresy era tank.

Hoping the knights rumour is true, comes from 40K radio who have a 100% record on rumours and got all the marine/Dark elf stuff right
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Penal legions i always loved the concept of. i'd probably get some if this is a genuuine thing, just to make a small allied force, or to add to my inquisition forces.
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Looking forward to adding a Knight to my triptide Tau. Tongue
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Lol'd at this renaming rumour, got to be false-

Quote:Lion 275 on Warseer wrote:
IG will be in April. March will focus soley on the Imperial Knights. Followed by Wood Elves in May...

It sounds like Imperial Knights will be a Dataslate or a mini codex. I bet you see it in the WD then have it come out in Dataslate/mini dex. From what we were told it will not be in the IG codex and will be able to ally with various armies.

IG is getting a new name with their new codex a la SoB. According to 40K Radio's source, they'll be renamed to the Astra Militarium.

Yup a brand new name. The book is called Astra Militarium.
I am just going by what our source has told us. Could be a legal issue, could be they are incorporating more things into the Codex. Time will tell.
And I want to re-iterate Knight ARE NOT part of Astra Militarium (IG).
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Yeah, no way are they changing the name of the imperial guard.
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Round up of rumours so far-
Quote:Imperial Guard is said to be renamed to Astra Militarum by various sources (can't retrieve the rumour date for the moment). Seemed serious from the start though.

Update february 6th , from 40k Radio :

So some exciting news.
A listener of ours was at a GW store today that mistakenly received a shipment of some unreleased items.
It was the plastic Ogryn kit. The rename is confirmed as they were called Militarum Auxillia.
Boom! Nailed it.

+ + + + +

february the 5th, from the well known "flip a coin" accuracy blog :

via a reader that must stay anonymous on Faeit 212
Hello Natfka, I am not normally a rumour guy.

However, I have today seen (and held) something I was not supposed to.
"Astra Militarium Bullgryns"

Shrink wrapped box ready for sale; I don't know what that implys about
release time.

Three Plastic "Bullgryns" which seem to be armoured Ogryns with large
riot style shields. Looked to be on the same bases as the Space Marine
Centurians. They are painted in a new looking blue/gray urban cammo.
They have armoured looking torsos and loin cloth type things made out
of tank tracks (!). They also seemed to have cybernetic enchancement
(ala Boneheads).

Looking at the back of the box, there was a small picture indicating
they could also be built as traditional Ogryns, which retain there
T-shirts and Ripper guns look. The Orgryn on the back had a Green T
+ + + + +

Rest is copy / paste from old thread :

+ + + + +
From Faeit212, Natfka, september, 2nd :

* Company Command is now the only, real HQ you can chose but you can swap the Commander for a Lord-Commissar.
* Primaris Psyker are now Advisors, Bodyguards are gone .
* Only Cadian named characters in this document.

* Salamander is in as transport for CCS/PCS, open-topped Chimera with Autocannon, transports 6.

* Engineeers are Elite now (but 1-3 per slot), can buff squads in the vicinity (think Force Field and such).
* Priests must join a squad and won’t take HQ slots.

* Veterans, "get some lose some".
Size 5-10, can take 1 heavy wepaon or 1 special weapon per 5 soldiers.
Bastogne is gone but every Veteran Sarge can give orders now.
Can still take shotguns and get option to take pistol & CCW. New Veteran ability allows charging out of transport.

* Special Weapon and Heavy Weapon Squads are now 10 men each.

* Vendetta is gone, instead Valkyries can take the Vendettas-loadout for +45 points.

* Only one entry for Sentinels, no armor upgrade, closed cabin has no game effect but is just cosmetical.

* Thunderer/Destroyer is in.
Thunderer is a cheap Demolisher with nothing but a hull-mounted Demolisher cannon.
Destroyer is a dedicated tank hunter with a laser-lance weapon. Have a, hull-down“ rule that makes them extremely hard to kill if in cover, seem to be area-control units.

* There was talk about a new Cadian Veteran plastic set, 5 miniatures with all options.

* Heavy Weapon Squad will be repacked to include one sprue of standard Cadian infantry.
* Special Weapon Squads might get their own box with a new special weapon sprue (which is also used for Veteran box).

+ + + +

september, 20th
Larry Vela on Bell of Lost Souls :

These rumors come to us in multiple sets, and we have ordered them from most trustworthy to least based on a variety of "truthifying methods":

The Probable stuff:
IG Veterans/Stormtroopers (plastic 5-man box)
Artillery combo-kit
Roughriders (new plastic box)

The Possible stuff:
IG Regiment Doctrines: Each Regiment (Cadian, Catachan, etc...)has doctrines, similar to SM Chapter tactics. Examples listed were:
Cadians - may issue 2 orders to a unit
Catachans - Move-thru-cover, and Jungle Fighter (???)

Thunderbolt flyer: Very heavy armor, but cannot jink.

The Salt-mine
Imperial Robots - 2 new robots, requiring an Admech handler/enginseer.

Knight Paladin - Taller than riptide, not as tall as Wraithknight. Vanquisher cannon and Uber-chainsword are standard load out. May upgrade to Punisher Cannon, Uber-Fist with Inferno Flamers

+ + + +

november , 1st
Posted by Larry Vela on Bell of Lost Souls :

* Codex Imperial Guard launches in March 2014
* Look for many refreshes in the codex rules.
* Expanded command system with the return of Doctrines
* The missing IG tanks will be released:
- Griffon/Collosus/Medusa artillery kit
* Stormtroopers released
* Veterans released
--> These two infantry kits include many, many optional bits to build command squads and even penal troops.
* New centerpiece kit is a Horus Heresy era tank.[/list]

+ + + +
(thanks to kroothawk)
Noel at Wargamer wrote :

-‘Mission Objectives’ are potentially a new special rule for the Imperial Guard, although my channels are a little dry on this front, one can only begin to imagine what they do. I heard on the grapevine, that this special rule would allow even sergeants, to order ‘minor orders’ to their own unit.

-Formerly Forge World dominated vehicles will take a tour in the Imperial Guard codex. This means we could see such units as the Forge World Destroyer Tank Hunter as part of the upcoming codex. Although one finds it extremely unlikely they will receive a new plastic kit.

-Headquarters units have seen a massive shake up. Above the whole organisation, some units have been deleted, others modified. You start by buying a command squad, this is then changed by swapping the officer for a commissar, if one wishes too. The three present advisors have been retained, with the addition of the Primaris Psyker as a command squad advisor.

-Ministorum Priests are back in the same manner as before, this time though it has been rumoured they increase the ranged output of the unit, as well combat potential. Maybe in the form of the ‘preferred enemy’ special rule, who knows?

-The mighty (or not so mighty Enginseer) has stayed relatively the same, except for the transition from HQ to either Elite or Heavy Support. But what excites me the most, are their roles on the field of battle. Apparently they will act much like Royal Courts in the Necron army, bought with certain upgrades, then attached out to other units, to confer certain benefits to that unit.

-In terms of repacking, it is believed that special weapon squads will receive their own box set. This is also rumoured to be extended to veteran squads and heavy weapon teams. Coming in boxes of five models, with a wide variety of special equipment.

-Moving on from the veteran weapon squads re-boxing, it is believed that they will be changing their position on the battlefield. With smaller squad sizes, veterans seem to be taking a fire support role, that focuses on battlefield specialisation.

-Vendetta and Valkyrie gunship’ will more than likely be streamlined into one unit. Also it is believed that the squadron option will be lost, and an increase in points to balance out the power of Vendetta and Valkyrie gunship’ in sixth edition.

+ + + +
november , 8
via StrykerSniper on Warseer :

I'm praying for stormtroopers, real ones, as a second troop choice. I did have a tiny look behind the iron curtain of GWs privacy policies, and I was able to see some mockups of the new veterans/stormtrooper boxed set, and it would be an amazing kit to build warbands or stormtrooper squads. Also I saw a model that appeared to be an Inquisitor, and was wearing a long cloak and armor.

I could see GW allowing stormtroopers as a troop choice to induce additional sales of the new kit, which, frankly, floored me. The details were great, with kasrkin style armor, and all sorts of weapons including hellguns, sniper rifles, special weapons, a cool missile launcher, a bunch of sergeant options, bolters, and lots of shotguns that managed to not look like scout shotguns. Also, the bolters did not look like marine shotuns, they were a little more human sized.

Some of the poses were also amazingly dynamic. Some were stoic standing poses, while a couple were very John Woo! There were also a lot of extra bits, poches, packs, grenades, knives, some scanner like equipment, and what appeared to be night vision goggles. If i were a puppy, I would've piddled on the rug, and it was a supreme act of will not to grab the models and run for the door. Apparently, they have also been ready for some time. Please dear God, let these see the light of my hobby store soon and I will have at least 5 boxes! This might even revitalize my Guard army.

Oh, and there were a bunch of heads! respirator heads, heads with berets, bald heads, heads with mohawks and crew cuts. Most were scarred, and one had an eyepatch, while another had a disfigured eye with what looked like claw marks, one head was smoking a stogie, and there were two heads with berets. There was even a knife that looked like a trench knife with raised knuckle dusters. There were scopes, a hand radio, and a bunch of bits for the bases including plants, a snake, and some ammo cans and satchel charges. There was even a hand holding an entrenching tool (shovel to you non-military types). There were a few holstered pistols, and as a delightful surprise, there were also autoguns in addition to lasguns, and there were bits for pistol and close combat weapon troops, although few were chainblades. There was a demo charge, melta bombs, and camo cloaks.

I was very, very impressed. The attention to detail was phenomenal. If you have any questions, ask them quick, before I am "sanctioned" by the inquisition. What is that sound outside the window.......?
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
This may be a silly question but what is an Imperial Knight?! Confused
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
Old epic small Titan
[Image: Knight_Paladins.jpg]
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I think it's some sort of mini-titan from an old version of EPIC
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Even better, 40k size comparison with someone's very nicely built self built model-
[Image: VultusMorsIP3%20(1).JPG]
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven

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