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Warhammer fantasy
Ok the event on the whole was great, but the gaming side was a disaster. Rd 4, was against the slowest player ever, and I needed the game to run to turn 6, but we barely got 4 complete. Various things happened, which can be explained in person better, but what appeared a fun game turned south very quickly, when the TK player realised he hadn't won.

However game 5, was a great laugh, and whilst I gambled and failed to win the game (I needed to score a 7 on two dice, for a virtually guarenteed victory,) instead having helped and allowed my opponent to cheat, I put myself in a position of failure. All in all though, the game was so good, it really overshadowed the previous game.

Anyway Steve, I have learnt the list I played you with, had errors in it, but more important it was the wrong list for me. Hey-ho, next week it's all new anyway.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
So new year, but say old story !! My ogres took on Chezzors Warriors of Chaos. My Mournfang cavalry took the bait and paid dearly with Heavy Cav and a Chariot wiping them out in turn one. My Sky Titan Cannon decided more powder was better, and fired over an enemy unit 2 turns in a row!! My big unit of Ironguts got bogged down in the centre, and at one point was fighting on 3 sides. My right flank collapsed with my Leadbelchers legging it from the field. My star performer was my Battle Standard Bearer, continually hitting hard. Too little too late and they were wiped out to a man. Was a good entertaining game, with a very nice opponent. So what did I learn? Mainly stop forgetting the rules for your own units , and stop charging the bait !! Must remember stomp , and that my cannon could have fired grapeshot at close range !! Onwards and upwards
Flames of War- Irish Guards    Bloodbowl- Orcs, Humans
Cutlass- Teddy Bear Pirates     Warhammer- Bretonnia, Ogres
6mm WW2- XXX Corps            28mm WW2- Rules of Engagement, Bolt Action, Chain of Command
28mm Zulu War- Still painting !!  SAGA Normans, Saracens
Bolt Action - German and British Infantry
Malifaux - Gremlins
Guildball - Butchers,Hunters, Farmers

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