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Caledonian 2014 40k Tournament
Game 1 against michael bolton ended with a tabling turn 6 in my favour! I got super lucky with a few rolls to keep my chapter master alive but other than that im very happy with how i played!

Game 2 against Rob Madely (england etc, 40k podcast guy) was one of the best games ive ever had. He took necrons which consisted of 3x5 wraiths. 2 barges, 3 night scythes with 5 warriors, zandrak, obyron and a destroyer lord as well as 4 tomb spiders! The game was purge the alien so i knew i had a chance (even though hes a waaaaaay better player than me). First turn did nothing for either side as there was a ton of los blocking terrain for him to hide behind. After that it was a blood bath! My centurion blob ended up in combat with all the characters, tomb spiders and 1 unit of wraiths. I manages to kill all but 1 spider, all the wraiths and left the characters on 1 wound. Then he teleported out Sad the wraiths ended up being my only kp of the game. We had a couple of objectives each by the end (turn 5) as the scouring was the secondary mission but the value of his came to 3 more than mine.

Sounds like i did ok? The only points i gave up were crucial though as his flyers took out my stormraven with 2x5 marines inside giving up 3 kill points and my riptide killed himself with over charge on 1 wound! (kinda dumb but i needed the blast to kill wraiths)

Again happy with how i played especially as Rob spent most the game saying sorry for how good his dice were and how bad mine were lol

Bring on game 3!!!
Nasty, so rolled a one on the gets hot then on the 1 on the armour save Nick? Harsh.

Sounds like you are both facing some good opposition though, how did you all fair after the full days games?
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Game 3 was against the same guy i played round 1 at winter warm up. He was using the same list (pretty much) which was space wolf drop pods. He had 7 in total (i think) which had a lot of combi plasma and melta. The mission was relic (3) and emperors will primary and purge secondary. Rolled decentish powers with tiggy getting 4++, prescience and scriers gaze. He made me go 1st with hammer and anvil deployment. Obviously he started with nothing on the board so i deployed the centurions, tiggy, tau commander and chapter master in one unit on the righy flank close to the edge with the riptide 6 away to the left ( i left a nice 8'' gap between my table side and the riptide hoping he would be tempted to drop in there (and hopefully fly off the edge). Got my 2 powers off and that was about it.

His turn bought 4 of the 7 pods on. The first was a combi plasma squad with a priest in dropped in the hole i left. Unfortunatly he hit and deployed. The 2nd landed in the centre next to the centre relic with 10 basic troops and a priest. The 3rd with 10 troops went on the opposite flank to my centurions but flew off the table and rolled a 1 for the mishap! Result!! First strike (as judged by tim) and 2 kill points. The 4th landed at the back by his objective no problem. He then cast jaws on the riptide which would also hit 4 centurions (ouch!!) only for the riptide to deny with a 6!! Boom!! The combi plasma did however strip 4 wound off as i forgot to nova charge for a 3++. That was about it.

Turn 2 i killed the unit that dropped next to me as well as the pod but that was about it. He then failed ALL his reserve rolls! Woop!

Turn 3 i killed most of the middle unit with my stormraven (which arrived) and the centurions. Only the unit at the back was left.

His turn he failed all but 1 reserve roll. Wow Confused
The melta squad arrived in the centre then then snapped at tge stormraven and took 1 hull point.

My turn 4 my bikes came in and moved straight for the left hand relic and was joined by the unwounded chapter master. The kroot ran onto my objective which was out of los to the rest of the board. The bikes then boosted so they would easily get the relic next turn while the centurions stripped a few more marines buy didnt really have much to shoot.

His reserves auto came in so he dropped the warlord unit with meltas in the same gap by my table edge and mishaped. I then placed it right on the edge of my deployment zone but on the opposite side to my kroot.

In my turn i killed a few more guys but nothing great BUT i forgot to move my stormraven with 2x5 guys in.

He the n killed the stormraven with the misplaced melta guys but didnt explode so the guys survived. So end of turn 5 he had his objective and 1 relic. I had the same but was way ahead on kill points. Game goes on with a roll of a 6.

My chapter master left the bikes and went straight for the guys claiming his objective and killed them in combat. One of the 5 man tac squads grabbed the 2nd relic.

The game went on another turm but nothing much changed so i had 2 relics and an objective but i couldnt get the last relic from him. I was way ahead on kill points so ended with a 17-3 win which puts me on 43 for the day. Awaiting the rd 4 draw now Smile

Amazing days gaming and learnt so much from the guys around me and watching the ginger BoW guy stumbling around (he was wasted) was very entertaing!
Just polished off a KFC and on way to bed lol, I'm so mentally tired.

Against Chris Dickenson, bit of a grumpy player, playing nids, he played really really well, but my list was just supirier and had all the anwers, turn1 he flew everything off, so I gated over and took out 35 gaunts and put three wounds on a trygon, turn2 mawlock, hive tyrants and 2 tervigons oh and a doom appear... I take out mawlock and warlord hive tyrant, the bomb took a bit more damage, then removed and few monsters, turn4 removed another, doom and some special genestealers, turn5 I take out all but sone gaunts and turvigon which passed 5 3+ saves...

Ended 15-5 win!! Leaving me on 26/60 so mid table and looking for 2 more wins!!

Happy to finally get some big pts on the board, 2 more 15-5 wins and I'll be happy!

Well done Nick!! Your playing well, just wish I could get up there, lots of weaker lists around me, so hoping to hit 2 of these :p

The Ginger bloke fell into our table and put my skyray on the floor... Wash funny to see him attempt to smile but he looked like he just had a Stoke because only half his face moved!! Lol

Yeah im pretty happy with my 40/60 pts but could have had so much more in my second game! Ahh well shouldnt complain really Smile
Sounds like your both doing alright, look forward to updates tomorrow.

And nothing like watching a drunk ginger stumbling around lol.

Hows Big Rob doing?
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I'm on table 35 and big rob is on 34! So just better than me

Good luck for day two! May your dice always roll 6's (except when you don't want them to for Leadership checks and stuff like that...) Rolleyes
40K - Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Necrons; Lord of the Rings - lots; Bloodbowl - Dwarves, Wood Elves; SAGA - Anglo Danes & Welsh; Guildball - Morticians, Engineers; Dropzone/fleet - Shaltari
Some great results for you both by the sounds of it. Keep It going!! Good luck today!
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss

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