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BFG Campaign FAQ
Q: What is the Campaign Turn sequence?
A: A campaign turn goes as follows:

1) Build-Up
Determine Initiative
Roll for incoming Orders (1-2 Raid, 3-6 Battle)
Select target system (whomever won the Initiative)
Select Forces from Fleet Registry
Roll D6 for Sub-Plots each (1-2 Legacies of War, 3-4 Chance Circumstances, 5-6 Secret Ploys)

2) Fight Raid/Battle

3) Aftermath
Claim System
Adjust Renown
Promotions & Demotions
Ship Experience (Roll higher than unmodified Ld)
Repairs & Withdrawals
Make Appeals (Reinforcements 2+, Refits 4+, Other 5+)

Q: How is celestial phenomena determined?
A: Divide table into 6 squares, each square will contain one item rolled from the appropriate table. The Battlezone is determined by both players adding the number of their preferred Battlezone (1-6) to their Attack Rating (1-4), the highest wins. For each square roll on the chosen Region Generator table.

Q: How is the Initiative determined?
A: Players roll a number of dice equel to their Attack Rating, the player with the single highest value wins. The player with the fewest systems gets +1 to their highest roll.

Q: Is there a minimum/maximum number of players/races?
A: No, there is no minimum or maximum number of participants.

Q: Which Sub-Sector will this campaign take part in?
A: This campaign will begin in the Sub-Sector 199/64/GS/NE - 'Cyclops Cluster'.

Q: The rulebook says Orks/Eldar etc. don't get systems, does this mean I don't get a starting system?!
A: [House Rule] For the sake of this campaign and fairness we'll be ignoring this rule, all races are elligible to capture and start with systems.

Q: What's the points limit on my starting fleet roster? Does this include Fleet Commanders, Fleet Commander Re-rolls or Ship Upgrades?
A: 2,000pts is the maximum starting value, 750pts would be a minimum you'd need to fight a Battle however so I'd aim as close to 2,000pts as you can get. Fleet Commanders can not be bought as this is included for free in a campaign, therefore you cannot buy re-rolls or other upgrades for him either. Some fleets do not use admirals such as Necrons and some use secondary commanders such as Chaos Lords, these can be purchased as normal and are in addition to your Fleet Commander. Ship upgrades from the fleet list such as those for named Imperial ships etc. can be purchased as normal.

Q: Most fleet lists say that any fleet above 750 points must have a commander. Is that also true for a campaign, where the commander is essentially the player?
A: Yes, a campaign game above 750pts must include your Fleet Commander (and thus your flagship). With the exception outlined below.

Q: My flagship is heading home for a spa weekend. Does my commander have to go with it? What happens if I then have to play a battle of 750 points or more?
A: Yes he does have to go with it, the only time he can change ship is if it is destroyed. In which case he must change ship. If you then have to play a game above 750pts, you must do so without the Fleet Commander. This is an exception to the rule above.

Q: Oh okay, so the 2,000 pts is like a pool from which you draw your ships?
So we need to make a 2,000 pts fleet and submit it for the campaign, then we can't change it for the duration of the campaign except for when we buy ships to replace lost ones?

A: Yes. This is only your starting fleet roster and ships will be destroyed and renamed etc. To add news ships (not replacements for lost ships) you need to use Appeals in the Aftermath part of the Campaign turn.

Q: How many Victory Points (VP's) are ships worth?
A: VP's are awarded as follows (assuming the scenario uses VP's):
Enemy Capital Ship or Escort Squadron Destroyed 100%
Enemy Capital Ship or Escort Squadron Crippled 25%
Enemy Capital Ship or Escort Squadron Crippled & Disengaged 25%
Enemy Capital Ship or Escort Squadron Disengaged 10%
Holding the Field - per Hulk (friend or foe) 50%

Q: Are Necron ships worth more Victory Points (VP's)?
A: Yes. VP's are awarded as follows in addition to the normal rules above (assuming the scenario uses VP's):
Necron Capital Ship or Escort Disengaged whilst Damaged 25% (instead of 10% as usual)
Necron Capital Ship Crippled 50% (instead of 25% as usual)
Necron Capital Ship Destroyed - Not left as Drifting Hulk 200% (instead of 100% as usual)
Necron Capital Ship Destroyed - Left as Drifting Hulk 300% (instead of 100% as usual)

Q: Do Necron ships have access to Refits or Crew Skills in a campaign.
A: No, Necrons do not have access to any refits or crew skills in the course of a campaign, but the fleet as a whole may earn additional repair points in the same manner other fleet's ships earn refits or crew skills.

Q: Is there a maximum number of Refits a ship can have in a campaign?
A: [House Rule] Yes, ships are limited to a number of refits equal to half their starting HP. i.e. a 8 HP Imperial Cruiser could have 4, a 12 HP Imperial Battleship could have 6 etc.

Q: Can Fleet Commanders in a campaign buy re-rolls?
A: No, the only exception to this is where explicitly stated the re-rolls are purchased for the fleet and not the commander i.e. as stated in the Necron fleet list on page 78 of BFG Armada "A Necron fleet may purchase re-rolls, but they are purchased by the fleet as a whole, rather than being considered Fleet Commander re-rolls.".

Q: Can we hang on to spare repair points and spend them later?
A: No, they can only be used in that Campaign turn. i.e. the Aftermath of the battle you just played. Repair points represent a systems resources within a set period of time.

Q: Does the Star Pulse Generator take out ordnance?
A: Yes, the Star Pulse Generator will remove ordnance on a roll of 4+.

Q: Can we choose to take fewer escorts in a squadron than listed on the fleet roster, to save a few points, or do escort squadrons have to be taken at full strength?
A: Yes. For that game they count as full strength/crippled on their new number but within the context of the campaign they retain their original starting number. e.g. a squadron of 4 on the roster could be taken as 3 for a game but if they lost one they'd not be crippled in that game but would be in the campaign.

Q: How do Holofield saves work against Bombers, once per squadron or per hit?
Quote:...rolls once against a ramming attack, once against each Nova Cannon shot, and once against each hit imparted by ordnance attacks, Hit and Run attacks, etc.

Q: Can we use Appendix I: Refits (pg 156-158) and Appendix II: Other Vessels (pg 159-160) from Battlefleet Gothic: Armada in the campaign?
A: Yes.

Q: If I'm defending in a battle in the Rebo © sector, do I get a free Blackstone?
A: Yes. If you are Chaos (or it's derivatives such as CSM etc.) it's an Activated Blackstone Fortress (Rulebook page 127), everyone else gets a standard "Imperial" Blackstone Fortress (Rulebook page 145). This is only available if the battle is fought within the Inner or Primary Biosphere.
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
Q: Can we hang on to spare repair points and spend them later?
Q: My flagship is heading home for a spa weekend. Does my commander have to go with it? What happens if I then have to play a battle of 750 points or more?
I think we agreed that repair points are not cumulative. They represent the capacity of your repair facilities to effect repairs within the time-frame between games. In other words, just because you didn't use your repair yards "last month" doesn't mean they are suddenly able to repair twice as many ships this month.
40K - Chaos Space Marines BloodBowl - Dark Elves & Ogres
Battlefleet Gothic - Chaos Necromunda - Redemptionists

Iron within, Iron without!
(11-09-2013, 10:01 AM)Kungfu Kleg Wrote: Q: Can we hang on to spare repair points and spend them later?
(11-09-2013, 11:03 AM)Kungfu Kleg Wrote: Q: My flagship is heading home for a spa weekend. Does my commander have to go with it? What happens if I then have to play a battle of 750 points or more?
(11-09-2013, 12:14 PM)GreyKnight Wrote: I think we agreed that repair points are not cumulative. They represent the capacity of your repair facilities to effect repairs within the time-frame between games. In other words, just because you didn't use your repair yards "last month" doesn't mean they are suddenly able to repair twice as many ships this month.
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
Can we use the armada torpedo refits? (page 28-29 armada appendices)
(11-09-2013, 06:25 PM)will Wrote: Can we use the armada torpedo refits? (page 28-29 armada appendices)

Those appear on pages 156-158 in my copy of Armada but yes we can, also the "Other Vessels"from pages 159-160 too.
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.
Here's a question that I don't think is covered by the rules, so I think we'll have to find some kind of consensus agreement: Can drone-guided torpedoes use gravity wells to turn?
(24-09-2013, 07:36 AM)Kungfu Kleg Wrote: Here's a question that I don't think is covered by the rules, so I think we'll have to find some kind of consensus agreement: Can drone-guided torpedoes use gravity wells to turn?

Well, my personal opinion is that a ship using a gravity well to turn quicker is doing so due to a conscious effort by the crew to make use of the gravity in their favour. A drone torpedo most likely wouldn't have the "intelligence" to choose to do this and its guidance systems would force it to take its pre-programmed trajectory to the target. (actually fighting the gravity well to maintain its course).

Note, the rules say a ship in a gravity well "may" make an additional turn, it doesn't say they "must" make an additional turn suggesting that it is a tactical choice that the crew can make.
40K - Chaos Space Marines BloodBowl - Dark Elves & Ogres
Battlefleet Gothic - Chaos Necromunda - Redemptionists

Iron within, Iron without!
Ordnance movement is not affected by Gravity wells as the movement is optional, guided weapons move directly towards their target, they're only semi-intelligent.
Dropfleet Commander: UCM
Dropzone Commander: UCM
Star Wars X-Wing: Rebel Alliance
Magic the Gathering
LotR SBG: High Elves
Warhammer 40,000 7th ed.: Astra Militarum & Eldar
Halo Fleet Battles: Covenant
BFG: Imperial Navy & Eldar Corsairs
Warhammer Fantasy 8th ed.: Warriors of Chaos

Element Games referral code JAS173.

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