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Red War Tournament II 500pt Tournament sign up thread (Amended 17/6)
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Hey everyone and welcome to the Red War II Tournament sign up thread!

As the Wargaming society are booking the hall on sunday the 30th of June I will be running (with the help from Vince and Dan) a 500pt 40k tournament!

The old rulespack has been deleted due to changes in the hall hire.

New rules pack:

3 500pt games over the 4 hours: 11am till 3pm
500pt army lists (not a single point more)
force organisation chart:
2-4 Troops
0-1 Elites
0-1 Fast Attack
0-1 Heavy Support
1 free slot (you can use this slot for any unit (IE second Fast attack, HQ, Elites, Heavy support or a fifth Troops choice.

Unit restrictions
Max 1 Flying MC or Flyer per army (including allies)
Allies are in full effect
No forgeworld
Only Aegis Defence Line - no other fortifications
No vehicle with more than a combined armour value of 34 (including quantum shielding)

Battles will be fought on a 4 by 4 table

No list submission just bring your list on the day.

Missions and Scoring:

All the missions are played as such:
Primary Objectives are worth 3pts each and the secondary objectives are worth 1pt each (Warlord, Firstblood, Linebreaker). Combine the total score for each player the winner gains 5pts, a draw is 3pts and the loser 1pt.

To prevent any tie break's plays must record the total points they killed of the enemy, you get half points for vehicles with damage on them (IE immobilised/weapon destroyed) and characters that have been reduced to half wounds. units/vehicles that been destroyed or a falling back at the end of the game give up full points.

Game1: Place 4 Primary Objectives, starting with the player who won the roll for board sides.

Game2: Place 3 Primary Objectives - 1 is placed in the centre of the table then 1 Primary objective is placed in each players deployment zone. player who won the roll for board sides places first.

Game3: Kill points - each unit or character is worth 1pt

Deployment for all three games is Dawn of War IE 12" from your table side.

Board sides: any board side can be chosen as your table side, this is your deployment zone and the opposing player must deploy in the opposite side.

Entry to the tournament is free although there will be a cost for the hire of the hall, which is spread between everyone in the hall... so the more that enter the cheaper it will be!

Interested players so far:
Nick (1988)

count me in lets have some fun
40K: Orks and Chaos Space Marines

standard deffwing tactic: rush fast and hit like a runaway freight train with a rocket booster on the last carriage...
remember kids, never trust an ork who shows his teeth
Cheers Sam!

Is this the final version of the rulespack? I understand that this is adapted Combat Patrol rules, but what about models with more than 3 wounds? No restriction on them?
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55
We need to look at Quantum Sheilding. Limit the barges if you have too but don't stop the Ghost Arcs, Stalkers and Doomsday Cannons. We see them so rarely on the tables anyway.
I should be ok for this. may even have enough Nurgle Daemons painted to throw something different on the table.
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
(30-05-2013, 01:42 PM)Agent0range Wrote: Is this the final version of the rulespack? I understand that this is adapted Combat Patrol rules, but what about models with more than 3 wounds? No restriction on them?

Never played combat patrol, but have heard of it, where are the rules?

Good point about 3 wound, but I cannot see it being a problem?

(30-05-2013, 02:01 PM)GoNecrons Wrote: We need to look at Quantum Sheilding. Limit the barges if you have too but don't stop the Ghost Arcs, Stalkers and Doomsday Cannons. We see them so rarely on the tables anyway.

To me av13 is too powerful at 500pts, Barges are broken at this level, Arks could deliver 2 decent sized warrior squads for under 200pts a pop.

I think for this event, as a learning curve and short notice, we'll keep things standard, then as things develop we can move into codex balancing

(30-05-2013, 06:30 PM)Embolden Wrote: Never played combat patrol, but have heard of it, where are the rules?

Good point about 3 wound, but I cannot see it being a problem?

Yeah Combat Patrol is something GW came up with ages ago but don't really support now as it doesn't encourage buying loads of models :p

Combat Patrol is run regularly at Adepticon, and it's up to date for 6th Ed. You can find their rules here. It's worth a look I think, as their rules are well thought out. You could just copy and paste bits out of it either for this tournament or another in the future. I'm sure it would scale fine to 500 points.
Warhammer 40K (Astra Militarum & CSM/1KSons/Daemons) | AoS (Daemons of Chaos) | Dropfleet Commander (UCM) 
Models painted in 2017: 74
Models painted in 2018: 45
Models painted in 2019: 55
(30-05-2013, 11:02 PM)Agent0range Wrote:
(30-05-2013, 06:30 PM)Embolden Wrote: Never played combat patrol, but have heard of it, where are the rules?

Good point about 3 wound, but I cannot see it being a problem?

Yeah Combat Patrol is something GW came up with ages ago but don't really support now as it doesn't encourage buying loads of models :p

Combat Patrol is run regularly at Adepticon, and it's up to date for 6th Ed. You can find their rules here. It's worth a look I think, as their rules are well thought out. You could just copy and paste bits out of it either for this tournament or another in the future. I'm sure it would scale fine to 500 points.

Thanks for the rules! certainly looks interesting and will look to that for inspiration at future events, I'm wanting to run more 500pt tournaments in the future, on clubs nights and weekenders like we have in a months time. Cheers.


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