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First attempt at a Tau list
Here is my take on a Tau army:

Commander - 2+ Armour, Plasma, Missile, Target lock, 2 Marklight Drones - 169
2x Body Guard - Plasma, Missile, target lock, 2 marklight drones - 182

Commander - Plasma, Missile, Target lock, 2 Marklight Drones - 144
2x Body Guard - Plasma, Missile, target lock, 2 marklight drones - 182

Riptide - Skyfire, Ion, Fusion, FNP - 240
2x Battlesuits - Plasma, Missile, target lock, 2 marklight drones 162
2x Battlesuits - Plasma, Missile, target lock, 2 marklight drones 162

6 Fire Warriors - Devilfish - 134
6 Fire Warriors - Devilfish - 134
10 Kroot - 60
10 Kroot - 60

Skyray - 115
Skyray - 115

Basically the Devilfish with Warriors reserve, the kroot out flank, the rest of the army goes to town, marklighting and which strips cover/increases BS target locks give flexibility! Skyrays are used to take out flyers with markerlights then 6 seeker missiles! needing 2's to hit flyers, they are a 1 hit wonder, then become a marklight support unit. It's very mobile, very shooty but will struggle if the opponent can weather the storm!

(23-04-2013, 10:36 PM)Embolden Wrote: Here is my take on a Tau army:

Commander - 2+ Armour, Plasma, Missile, Target lock, 2 Marklight Drones - 169
2x Body Guard - Plasma, Missile, target lock, 2 marklight drones - 182

Commander - Plasma, Missile, Target lock, 2 Marklight Drones - 144
2x Body Guard - Plasma, Missile, target lock, 2 marklight drones - 182

Riptide - Skyfire, Ion, Fusion, FNP - 240
2x Battlesuits - Plasma, Missile, target lock, 2 marklight drones 162
2x Battlesuits - Plasma, Missile, target lock, 2 marklight drones 162

6 Fire Warriors - Devilfish - 134
6 Fire Warriors - Devilfish - 134
10 Kroot - 60
10 Kroot - 60

Skyray - 115
Skyray - 115

Basically the Devilfish with Warriors reserve, the kroot out flank, the rest of the army goes to town, marklighting and which strips cover/increases BS target locks give flexibility! Skyrays are used to take out flyers with markerlights then 6 seeker missiles! needing 2's to hit flyers, they are a 1 hit wonder, then become a marklight support unit. It's very mobile, very shooty but will struggle if the opponent can weather the storm!

That is quite similar to the one i was looking at bar i had Drone controllers on the 2 commanders to get my Bs 5 markerlights. Love my large Pathfinder/Darkstrider unit though, so don't think i will be changing my list much.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Realised today forgot to use my puretide engram chip in the game last night.... has some tasty rules as well ( lets you choose from monster hunter, stubborn, counter attack and tank hunter for one turn) pants.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Can't decide between two lists, any recommendations?

List 1
Commander, Plasma, missile, Iridium armour, Drone controller,Target Lock, Puretide Enegram system - 168
1 Marker drones, 1 shield drone - 24
Darkstrider - 100
4 x Firewarrior squads (6) - 216
XV104 Riptide, TL Plasma, Ion Accelerator, Early warning override - 180
XV8 Crisis suit team (2) 2 x fusion blaster, Target Lock, Neuroweb system jammer - 112
XV8 Crisis suit team (3) Plasma, Missile,TL plasma 3 x Target lock - 161
4 x Marker drones - 48
Razorshark, Missile, Decoy launcher - 153
Pathfinders (10) Pulse accelerator, 3 Rail rifles, Devilfish SMS, Recon drone - 288
Pathfinders (4) 3 Ion rifles - 74
Hammerhead, Railgun, Blacksun filter, Longstrike - 171
Broadside unit High yield missiles(1) Velocity tracker, - 85
Broadside unit Heavy Rail rifle(1) EWS 70

1850 PT

List 2
Commander, 2 x missile, Drone controller,Target Lock - 128
2 Marker drones - 24
Darkstrider - 100
4 x Firewarrior squads (6) - 216
XV104 Riptide, TL Plasma, Ion Accelerator, Early warning override - 180
XV8 Crisis suit team (2) 2 x fusion blaster, Target Lock - 109
XV8 Crisis suit team (3) 2 x plasma on each, 2 x Target lock, Shas'vre, Puretide Engram - 186
Shield drone - 12
Razorshark, Missile, Decoy launcher - 153
Pathfinders (10) Pulse accelerator, 3 Rail rifles, Devilfish SMS, Recon drone - 288
Drone squdron (4) Markerlights - 56
Hammerhead, Railgun, disruption pods, Blacksun filter - 141
Skyray, disruption pods, Blacksun filter - 131
Hammerhead, Ion Cannon, Blacksun filter - 126

1850 PT
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I like list 2 a lot! Those front armour 13 tanks are a bitch!!
Hmm it's a toughy, I've played list 1 twice, been tabled once and nearly tabled the second time... But I think I no how to play and beat that list now! (I have a cunning plan some might say)

But I think the Skyray is awesome now, Hammerheads are okay.. and like Nick said, AV13 is still epic! (just look an Anni Barges.. ugh!).

I'm still worried about your scoring mate, I think you need at least one troops choice in a transport to get them to an objective, although you tabled and nearly tabled me, I did basically wiped out your troops in both games and I got unlucky in one of those game (curse you ones!!! 4 out of 7, 3 guys survive that turn, then win you the game lol). Or I would get some outflanking/infiltrating Kroot, in list one drop the 4 Pathfinders, I should of taken them out of firstblood, plus they did nothing in the game. In list 2 it's much more difficult to find the pts!

But if you're set on a list, list2, The skyray is amazing (see Network Markerlights, Skyfire, 6 Seeker Missiles, Dead flying Tyrant or Dead Flyer of pretty much any kind! Then just Markerlight away for fun, using those Markerlights for the Riptide to boost its BS when shooting flying things or ground targets... dirty piece of kit for 131pts!

I was tempted to put some kroot in, i just really hate the models in all honesty! I'm trying to find something to use instead.
I am thinking list 2 more now, though i may switch out the Ion head and a couple of upgrades/pathfinders for 3 blank Broadsides at 195, and switch darkstrider to a big Firewarrior unit with carbines in Devilfish to outflank and go objective hunting.
Decisions, decisions........
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Reworking of list two-
Commander, 2 x missile, Drone controller,Target Lock - 128
2 Marker drones - 24
Darkstrider - 100
3 x Firewarrior squads (6) - 162
1 x Firewarrior Squad, Carbines(6), Devilfish SMS - 144
XV104 Riptide, TL Plasma, Ion Accelerator, Early warning override - 180
XV8 Crisis suit team (2) 2 x fusion blaster, Target Lock - 109
XV8 Crisis suit team (3) 2 x plasma on each, 3 x Vectored thrusters - 171
Razorshark, Missile, Decoy launcher - 153
Pathfinders (10) Pulse accelerator, 3 Rail rifles- 170
Drone squdron (4) Markerlights - 56
Hammerhead, Railgun, Blacksun filter - 126
Skyray, Blacksun filter, sensor spines - 121
Broadsides (3), heavy Rail rifle, 2 x Target lock - 205

1849 PT

Gone for Vectors on the Plasma Crisis as i get 3D6 Run away when i JSJ and can break away if charged. Downside is i have to fire all 6 Plasma at same unit.
Streamlined the list to be most effective i think (hope!)
Also gives me options with Darkstrider as can put him with Pathfinders to ID T4 stuff with Rail rifles (ID anything with T3 with Carbines) or with Firewarriors in Devilfish to outflank depending on what the board looks like.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
I like this list a lot mate!


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