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Stream of Consciousness
My hot wire cutter arrived today! Smile Gonna have a play with in a min, also been spending again, went to hobbycraft thats inside webbs with the intention of getting the Baneblade that was £50 for birthday(using the excuse that my son was buying it for me Tongue), and wouldn't you know it, they put there prices up!
So bought some water effect beads to do some rivers with and waterfall kit.
So shall be creating a rocky hill with added waterfall soon, probably leading into a river i think.
40k- Space marines(5000 pts) Imperial guard (3000 pts) Tau (3000 pts)
Epic 40k-Space marines/Imperial Guard(2000 pts)
Infinity Yu jing (Aprox 1000 pts)
Necromunda Escher Mad capsules Avalanche
Blood bowl Skaven
Legion stuff has started to ship (Starter plus Abby.) Also Uncharted Seas rule book is wining its way to me. One Puppy done, but still having issues sticking the Slayer to its base. Trying to Green Stuff it down, with a repaint afterwards. Hopefully in a day or two it will not budge one smidgen.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
(06-07-2011, 09:54 PM)Luke the Squig Wrote: Thinking of doing some Blue Menoth, so long as that is legal Smile. If Menoth's Devil is blue or something like that then I'll just stick to the normal colour scheme, but if it's ok then I shall go forth. Could you guys tell me if Menoth do generally have something against the colour blue, as I know that Cygnar had something or other against green in the past.

Not too sure on the blue dudes now, might just stick to the normal colour scheme, for now anyway.
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)
Bone jack 2 painted. Time for some rule book reading.
Star Wars Legion - Rebels
Guildball - Alchemists
Blood Bowl - Lizardmen
As anyone who has had a game of, well, anything with me will have noticed, none of my armies are painted, so I better get busy! I reckon the first army that I will complete is my Menoth (purely because it's the smallest one, and because I'll have the Ballard of Redditch Wargamers to kick me in the rear if I fall asleep!), but I'm still gonna start painting my O+G for now, as I think that (over the next few months) I'm going to gradually start playing more and more Fantasy and I want to have a good looking force to play with.
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)
Made progress with my Savage Orc Great Shaman on War Boar (what a mouthful!) tonight, although still haven't finished the first undercoat of Knarloc Green for the skin, so still a lot of work to do, although I have completely finished the boar (still detached from the Great Shaman), warpaint across his eye and all. Probably one of the best boars I'll ever paint...
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)
Primed a few things tonight, including a few old Space Marines we had in the Battle for Macragge that I'm planning to use for painting practice.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
Just wondering, does anyone know how the PP plastic reacts to Dettol?
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)
(08-07-2011, 08:28 AM)Luke the Squig Wrote: Just wondering, does anyone know how the PP plastic reacts to Dettol?

It's a partially Resin mix so I'd be careful with the Dettol bath; maybe 12 hour soak and a good wash afterwards to stop the plastic melting?
Warmachine (Retribution of Scyrah, Khador), Hordes (Trollbloods, Blindwater Congregation), Bolt Action (IJA Infantry Section, Soviet Russia Armoured Platoon), SAGA (Norse-Gaels (WIP)), Deadzone (Enforcers, Forge Fathers)
Alright, thanks.
McDonalds Chicken Nuggets.

Warhammer Fantasy (Orcs and Goblins)
Warhammer 40,000 (Orks)
Warmachine (Protectorate of Menoth)
Bushido (Prefecture of Ryu)
Infinity (Yu-Jing)
Warpath (ForgeFathers)
Cutlass! (Undead)

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