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Can I borrow some orks Please
I want to try Orky allies. At Caledonia it was obvious I need something mid field and immortals at 170 for 10 are to expensive. It also seems everyone is taking wraith wing so want to try something different.

Does anyone have 60 boys (inc two Nobs with PwC) and a Kustom force field big mek I could borrow/use tonight? It's a long shot I know.

An even longer shot is 12 grots with 3 Kannonz too! I will pay for your gaming tonight! yes what an inducement Big Grin
I do. They are loitering in my attic somewhere after I bought them on e bay ages ago. Cant guarantee they will be wsywig but close enough!
I've got the 60 boys and kff mek, just need to go in the loft and get them (not hard they in 1 carry case)

don't have the kannons though sorry.

what did you want the boys armed with shootas (recommended) or slugga and choppas?
40K: Orks and Chaos Space Marines

standard deffwing tactic: rush fast and hit like a runaway freight train with a rocket booster on the last carriage...
remember kids, never trust an ork who shows his teeth
Ace, thank you guys. I am after the shootas please. Who's ever loft is safest to raid. I don't mind what they are modeled with as long as they look orky. Shootas are one less attack in close combat but can shoot and assault and fire over watch to my knowledge. Is that right?

The Kannonz I will use something from the terrain sets tonight.

Any grots too?

Thank you lots Smile

I will write up a 1500 pt list using the orks for the campaign tonight.
OK well I am at work until soon before the event, so will leave mine up there if thats OK.
Cheers for the offer Count.

Can you bring some brave orks please Cookie101. I will treat them well. Feed them and help them get into fights and stuff. Thank you!

already raided the loft and managed to get my entire ork army (apart from a stompa and some broken flyers) under my bed.

i'll put the boys and KFF mek in my bag for you tonight, though i'll need them back at the end of the night.

as for the campaign, hmm. i was gonna use orks, but i can also use my chaos space marines, as those 60 orks and mek are nearly always in my army. not matter how big a game.

edit: found out my box of unpainted plastic orks and my grots are in there as well, so i can bring the 12 grots and a slaver (if needed).
40K: Orks and Chaos Space Marines

standard deffwing tactic: rush fast and hit like a runaway freight train with a rocket booster on the last carriage...
remember kids, never trust an ork who shows his teeth
Cookie101. That is great. Thank you so much. I will see if I can source some orks off a pal for the long term. As long a I get to play tonight.

(22-01-2013, 05:40 PM)GoNecrons Wrote: Cookie101. That is great. Thank you so much. I will see if I can source some orks off a pal for the long term. As long a I get to play tonight.


no problem with tonight i'm doing fantasy, it was just in case you wanted them over the campaign as i'll be using them.

so that's 658 pts in total:
1 big mek with 'eavy Armour and Kff = 90 pts
2 * 30 boys - 3 big shootas, nob with powerclaw, bosspole and 'eavy Armour = 240 pts each
3 kannons with 6 extra grots and a slaver = 88 pts

that's how i would run it in 6th edition 40k, but i've yet to have a game of it, but i have the rules and understand them fairly well.

Edit: i don't have the kannon models so remember you need to use something to represent them in your game.
40K: Orks and Chaos Space Marines

standard deffwing tactic: rush fast and hit like a runaway freight train with a rocket booster on the last carriage...
remember kids, never trust an ork who shows his teeth
Thanks for the loan dude!

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