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Caledonian Smack Board
I think the rule is daemonbane.
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Yes but it isnt instant death - you are correct.

I have preferred enemy so only miss on 2's - I may just keep his own spells as he has sanctuary which could slow him down a bit.

I think I will be doing a lot of running backwards and shooting!
As for your Nid opponent Rob I would be pretty confident. If those hydra whatevers have interceptor then Doom should be jelly. I think you will gun him down personally. (No pressure then)
Here is my list and the first match up

My wraithless list
HQ1: Overlord (90) Mind Shackle Scarabs (15) War Scythe (10) + TRANSPORT 1
ROYAL COURT: Harbinger of Despair (30) with Veil of Darkness (30), Harbinger of the
Storm (25), Harbinger of Destruction (35) with Solar Pulse (20)
ELITE 1: 5 Deathmarks (95) + TRANSPORT 2
TROOP 1: 5 Warriors (65) + TRANSPORT 3
TROOP 2: 6 Immortals with Tesla (102) + TRANSPORT 4
TROOP 3: 5 Warriors (65) + TRANSPORT 5
TROOP 4: 8 Immortals with Tesla (136)
TROOP 5: 9 Warriors (117)
FAST 1: 6 Scarabs (90)
FAST 2: 6 Scarabs (90)
HEAVY SUPPORT 1: Annihilation Barge with Tesla Cannon (90)
HEAVY SUPPORT 2: Annihilation Barge with Tesla Cannon (90)
HEAVY SUPPORT 3: Annihilation Barge with Tesla Cannon (90)
TRANSPORT 1 - Catacomb Command Barge with Gauss Cannon (80)
TRANSPORT 2 - Night Scythe (100)
TRANSPORT 3 - Night Scythe (100)
TRANSPORT 4 - Night Scythe (100)
TRANSPORT 5 – Ghost Ark (115)
FORTIFICATION Aegis Defence Line (50) with Comms Relay (20)

My first game is with the below
HQ1 : Hive Tyrant (170) Wings (60) 2 Twin Linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms (2x15)
Toxin Sacs (10) Old Adversary (25) Leech Essence (0) Paroxysm (0) = [295]
HQ2 : Hive Tyrant (170) Wings (60) 2 Twin Linked Devourer with Brainleech Worms (2x15)
Toxin Sacs (10) Old Adversary (25) Leech Essence (0) Paroxysm (0) = [295]
Elite1 : Hive Guard Brood: 2 Hive Guard (100) = [100]
Elite2 : Hive Guard Brood: 2 Hive Guard (100) = [100]
Elite3 : The Doom of Malan'tai (90) = [90] + Transport 1
Troop 1 : Tervigon (160) Adrenal Glands (10) Toxin Sacs (10) Catalyst (15) Onslaught (15)
Cluster Spines (0) = [210]
Troop 2 : Tervigon (160) Adrenal Glands (10) Toxin Sacs (10) Catalyst (15) Onslaught
(15) Cluster Spines (0) = [210]
Troop 3 : Tervigon (160) Adrenal Glands (10) Toxin Sacs (10) Catalyst (15) Onslaught
(15) Cluster Spines (0) = [210]
Troop 4 : Termagant Brood : 11 Termagants (55) = [55]
Troop 5 : Termagant Brood : 10 Termagants (50) = [50]
Troop 6 : Termagant Brood : 10 Termagants (50) = [50]
FA1 : Gargoyle Brood : 18 Gargoyles (108) Toxin Sacs (18) Adrenal Glands (18) = [144]

The AV13 wall bounces all range shooting apart from the Guards Impaler Cannons at range (A2 S8 24" AP4 no doubt with PE). They can wreck or blow up a AV13 a turn potentially super lucky can get two. It averages at 1/2 a pen or glance a turn while the shielding stands. I will probably use the solar pulse turn two to help the scythes survive the brain worms rather than the barges.

The flyrants brainleech worms will make a mess of the Scarabs giving up a quick first blood. So scarabs to deploy behind the 9 warriors in the defence line and at least one model obscured completely from view if not them all. Scarabs are best used to counter / tie up the gargoyles/termagants/hive guard. The guard 2+ (or is it 4+) armour is a problem for my shooting. Tesla struggles to put wounds on 2+. 4+ they are killable. Maybe a job for the deletion squad (deathmarks).

In combat it is the Guard (S5) and the MC's that can hurt the wall . The Termagant/Gargoyles can't hurt the vehicles, unless they can get S5 some how, which means I can control the board quite a bit with the vehicles on deny some lines of attack. One maybe two barges can put enough wounds on the Gargoyles to make a leadership test (LD6) which would be good.

The Flyrants can deal together 6 wounds on average to my immortals (10% change to wipe them out). Probably the best place for them to shoot at me.

A good match for me I think so if I lose this it could be the way the rest of my games go.. Aim to go second? and hope to one shot the doom with my boomtek.

Any advice?

What the heck is Leech Essence & Paroxysm
Can the flyrants start on the board flying or only from reserve. (how likey will they be on the board turn one? I guess they will be as not hive fleet command?)
What is the save on a hive guard? 4+ or 2+ (4+ means tesla canbe brought to bare).
What is the Hardened carapace on the hive guard?
Counting von two three....


Melta units 99
Night Scythe 50
Annihilation barges 45
Wraith UNITS40 (two as small as 4 strong everyone else 5-6 You will meat them. Shoot don't combat!)
Razorback 18
Destroyer Lord 20 (1 with an orb! good luck keeping him down)
Hive Tyrant 17
Inquisitor Coteaz 6
Rhino 3
Vendetta 17
Chimera 25
Librarian 17
Nemesis Dreadknight 8 ( I hate these)
Leech essence is d3 s3 ap2 hits at 12" and gets wounds back if unsaved
Paroxysm reduces a units bs and ws to 1 till HTs next turn. Again 12"
If flyrants start on the board theyre not flying but obviously if he has 1st turn he can take off
Hardened carapace is a 4+ armour Big Grin

Im guessing he may swap the powers for boimancy as AP2 isnt a massive deal against your necrons (im guessing). Besides the rulebook primaris power is better than leech essence in terms of shots and strength!
Dont worry about Doom Big Rob - Kill the Flyers - louder? - KILL THE FLYERS!!!!

Seriously - kill the -- OK you get the idea.

My opponent in Belfast reserved the Annihilation barges as well, which was a great idea. You could do likewise perhaps?

Once you have killed the flyers, roll loads of 6's for Tesla and cackle wildly.

Not a bad match - but - well you know......
I dont have to reserve the barges as long as I can keep them 30" away from the hive guard shooting and close combat. I am glad the guard only have 4+. I would be stuffed else. All 3 barges can just about kill one! haha.

Them Flyrants are coming down!
I want to hear the dull thud of falling fly rants!

Now how do I beat 3 units of screamers and 2 units of flamers pray tell??!!
With a dash of luck mate, although the new FAQ just screwed the flamers template shot lol, no more catching say 3 guys with 8 flamer templates and removing 24 models... it's what happened to my blob Sad

In all seriousness, it's all about what warlord trait you can get (the -1 to enemy reserves would be amazing) and how long it takes to take out FW if you can deal with it in 1 turn that would be fantastic and give you a strong start.

The Screamers are super quick and super durable.. those are probably going to decide the game, like I said before, if they hit and bounce off your armour, you have a great chance! If they hit and do masses of damager, there could be nothing you could do to stop the troops scoring..


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