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Caledonian Smack Board
Ok so me (Matt - Grey Knight Paladins) Big Rob (Necrons) and Medium sized Rob (Grey Knight/Guard) are off to callie this weekend. 90+ of the top players in the land (no really) will be there and it should be epic.

It was suggested we have a board for those interested in 40k to watch our progress - so here it is.

The second purpose is for hints and tips, especially on the first game, which has been drawn already.

OK so for me - Grey Knights (won 1 lost 3 practice games)
Lord Draigo uber Paladin
Cheap as chips Coteaz
10 uber Paladins with 4 Psy cannons, 4 Halberds, 4 hammers, Banner
5 Strike dudes with psy cannon
5 henchmen with pointy stick and paint gun
Vindicare Assassin
2 x Dread Knights with two template weapons each
Bastion with T/L Quad Gun

game 1 is versus Daemons so lesson 1 - READ THE CODEX 900 TIMES BEFORE THE GAME!!
He has the usual fate weaver, 3 x 7 flamers, 3 x 7/8 screamers, 1 x 6 Fiends, 2 x 5 plague bearers, 3 x 5 Pink Horrors and a Tzeench herald

Cheesy but not to bad.

So apart from deploying everything within 4" of Coteaz and going first - what do i do next!

What do I need to look out for and what are my best units?
Points to remember - Force weapon hits (If the leadership test is past) cause instant death - also no FNP. This is auto passed with the banner.

My army has preferred enemy against Daemons

Question - is Coteaz better keeping his basic spells?

Question - do you get and invul save versus a flamer wound - please say yes!
Best of luck to you all!
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
I would always swap coteaz's powers for divination! Especially if hes in the paladin squad! As for the flamers im afraid i dont know!

Best of luck boys!! Keep us posted!
Firstly, good luck to you all.

(16-01-2013, 12:04 AM)The Count Wrote: Points to remember - Force weapon hits (If the leadership test is past) cause instant death - also no FNP. This is auto passed with the banner.

My army has preferred enemy against Daemons

Question - is Coteaz better keeping his basic spells?

Question - do you get and invul save versus a flamer wound - please say yes!

no, take divination
yes, i think so. it just ignores cover i believe.
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Yeah Inv saves and normal saves can be taken against Flamer hits, they only ignore cover.

Edit: As for the Daemons, their troops look fragile, but I'm not sure you're going to have the time/range to get too them, so it's all about taking deal with the Screamers and Flamers, the Flamers will annihilate the Paladins, I played a Daemon list with 3 squads of 4 (before WB update) and they took out about 7 Paladins in one shooting phase as I failed to kill FW. Don't forget they're jump infantry so have a 20" or so threat range (12" move and the flamer is about 8" long), so Rob can drop deep and then jump forward into range. The Screamer are quite nasty in combat being AP2 power weapons with 2 attacks each now.

I would consider castling up protecting the Bastion with Coteaz and Paladins, then fanning out from there, the problem will be is that Rob then has board control and I'm not sure the Paladins can fight there way through everything unless you roll like a boss and can take out a unit in your turn and when Rob charges in with the Screamers you deal with them as well!

Good luck either way!

Good start Matt,

right, so I'm taking Imperial Guard and Space Wolves allies and my list goes like:

2x Rune Priest
1x Lord Commissar
1x Company Command
50man Blob and meltabombs and power axes
Veteran squad with lascannon
2x10 Grey Hunters with 2 Plasmaguns in each
3 Vendettas

And my first round draw is against: Nids!

HQ1 : Hive Tyrant 170pts, 2x sets of Twin-Linked Devourers with brain leach worms 30pts, Wings
60pts, Old adversary 25pts, Regeneration 20 pts, (Total 305pts)
HQ2 : Hive Tyrant 170pts, Lash whip and bone sword, 1 set scything talons, Armoured
Shell 40pts, Old adversary 25pts, 1x Tyrant Guard Rending claws and scything talons.
60pts, (Total 295pts)
Elite1 : 3x Hive Guards 150pts
Elite2 : The Doom of Malan'tai 90pts (Transport 1) Elite 3 : 2x Zoanthropes 120pts
Troop 1 : 13x Termagaunts flesh borers 65pts
Troop 2 : Tervigon, Cluster spines, Scything talons 5pts, Adrenal Glands 10pts, toxin sacs
10pts, Dominion, catalyst 15pts (Total 200pts)
Troop 3 : 3x Tyranid Warriors 90pts, Scything Talons, 2x Deathspitter 10pts, 1x venom
Cannon 15pts (Total 115pts)
Troop 4 : 30x Hormagaunts 180pts, ToxinSacs 60pts, Scything talons, (Total 240pts) FA 1: 20x
Gargoyles 120pts, Toxin Sacs 20pts, Fleshborer,(Total 140pts)
HS1: Biovore 45pts
HS2: Biovore 45pts
Transport : Mycetic Spore ripper tentacles 40pts

From the looks of things it's a balanced Nid army, with only 1 flyer HT, lots of combat units, backed by some shooting in the Biovores, HT and Warriors.

There are two ways to play this list for me, In objective games its all about taking out that Tervigon, once thats gone he may only have 3 troop choices left, 3 of which will hopefully be small, so deploying objectives in the open in the name of the game. In KP missions there are some easy targets like Biovores the spore pod, Doom and most of the troop choices... I should dominate the air with the Vendettas, I need to work on my play with them... so it's gonna be a steep learning curve.

What does everyone else think? Sound tactics? Talking rubbish??

Also are their any nasty tricks his list could pull? The Zoanthropes can take a Psychic power from the rulebook would be there be any nasty combos? I know VERY little about nids having only played 5 times EVER! (1 win, 4 loses!)

All Demon's are eternal warrior and therefore immune to instant death so your force weapon ain't going to do diddly I'm afraid..
40k: Bloodimps (Custom Blood Angels chapter )

"Cake for the cake god!"
and thats where nemesis force weapons are good against daemons, if you cause a wound to a model at the end of the turn they have to make a leadership test or they get removed from the board.

i may have completely misread that so someone please correct me if i have
Simian aka Ben
40k Death Guard, Nurgle and Space Wolves, Malifaux (Guild, Gremlins & Ressers), In Her Majesties Name (Professor Berengei's Circus), Bolt Action (Big Red One), Dredd (Robots), OGaM, Necromunda (Redemptionists)

Hooting into the Abyss
Ah in that case forgive my ignorance of the Grey Knight codex...
40k: Bloodimps (Custom Blood Angels chapter )

"Cake for the cake god!"

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