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SAGA Tournament @ Wyvern Wargamers, Saturday 23rd February 2013
Dean mentioned this last night, and I've just had more info from Chris at Wyvern Wargamers:

Quote:Wyvern Wargamers are pleased to invite entries for their second Saga tournament day to be held on Saturday 23rd February 2013. This is a ‘fun day’ tournament playing “SAGA” the new Dark age rules from Gripping Beast with 25/28mm models. There will be 4 games, each lasting up to 1.5 hrs. All game scenarios and terrain will be pre-set. All you need to do is bring is your painted warband, clearly showing their class (Levies, Warriors, Heathguards and Warlords), dice, some FATIGUE markers, Saga dice and measuring sticks.

The venue is a modern build village hall that has plenty of free on-site parking and the majority of the Hall premises are accessible to wheelchair users. The Facilities TAB on the Wyvern Wargamers Website provides additional details.

Tea and coffee will be available all day and a limited quantity of crisps, cans and a like available to purchase during the day.

Venue Details

The event is being held at:
Bishampton Village Hall,
Broad Lane,
WR10 2LY

Registration process

The event costs £8:00. To be able to take part at this event you must go through the registration process.

Step 1: first send the details listed below to the following e-mail address:
Name (that will be used on our score board):
Contact Tel Number (needed in the unlikely event we need to contact you):
e-mail address: (We need this to be able to process the registration)
Club or group name: (We need this to try to avoid playing you again your own club members)
Faction (that you will be fielding on the day):
Please also state if you require disabled reserved parking or any other requirements we should consider:

Step 2: We will reply to your e-mail to let you know if we still have places available. If we do, we will also send you the address to send your cheque of £8 which should be payable to ‘Stuart Surridge’.

Step 3: If we receive your payment (within the required time period) we will send you a final e-mail stating this as confirmation that you are booked in.

We then look forward to seeing you on the day. Arrival & booking in is from 9:00 to 9:15

Armies & Army lists

Players should enter as individuals, and bring a 6 point force. To register you need to specify the Army you will be bringing but there is no need to submit army lists before the event.

On the day you will need to specify your army list clearly showing how you have spent your 6 points. You can change the unit sizes deployed between games but you must keep the same basic force you have listed. i.e. 8 Warriors for 1 point can be fielded as a single unit or two 4 man units.

Permitted factions are: Vikings, Normans, Anglo-Danes, Welsh, Jomsvikings, Anglo-Saxons, Bretons, Scots, Franks, Irish, Norse-Gaels and Strathclyde.

No ‘Hero of the Viking Age’ or Swords for Hire units are allowed. War Banner figures described in the Raven’s Shadow SAGA supplement will not be used in this tournament. Armies should be fully painted or at least sufficiently to clearly distinguish the troop types.

Details of the scenarios and point system to be used will be published in January 2013.

Finally, we look forward to seeing you on the day.
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."
If anyone is interested in this then we only have 9 places left, so get your name down quick if you want to take part. Last event was mentioned on Meeples & Miniatures Podcast No:95

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