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warhanmer 40k campaign
i will do some battle reports on the battles of the campaign so people know what is happening and can get a feel of what happened in the battle
my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green
if you ever felt like upping the ante on games i dont mind fielding like say 2000 pts vs 1000 with another 1000 pts on the other side since were one short on the numbers of people in the campain
i don't know really because we defently have 6 players

all we need is 2 willing players.
my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green
ok was just a thoughtforget i said anything ^_^
(12-06-2011, 09:15 AM)Tyranid daniel Wrote: ok was just a thoughtforget i said anything ^_^
its a good idea i keep it in mind

my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green
lol me qand my dad were having a practice battle and he got slaughtered in turn 2 with ghazakull thraka dead and most of his army all because of 5 terminators with a chaplian.
my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green
this is what happened in my battle against Dan


I set my space marine tactical squads back in the corner of my quatre taking an objective then i placed on the right line of my quatre my scouts with snipers who scouted 6inchs. to support them i put a deverstator squad i put my terminators with my chaplain as close to the statue objective in the middle as possible. then i placed my land raider one the left flank as far forward as possible with a command squad and a captain in it.

dan set up really cowardly with his spawning thing as far back as possible taking on objective while his tryanid warriors set up on the left flank as far back as possible. then his other monster thing set up abit closer out.

Turn 1

my scouts moved closer to the objective in the bottom right corner of the table with the deverstators supporting them.
my land raider ploughed towards the top left objective.
my terminators got to the statue in the middle and took it over making it 2-1 to me.My other terminators in reserve failed to come out of the sewer markers waiting for next turn.I shot with my missile launcher at the lictor monster wounding it. Then my land raider shot one lascannon at the lictor wounding it terminators also shot at it wounding it again.

Dan managed to bring his genestealers with a broodlord out of the sewer taking one objective in the bottom right hand corner making it 2-2 the mantilion thingy came out with 2 others who looked quite similar but were not the same. his wimpy monster summoned 12 gaunts who raced of towards the landraider.

turn 2

Again my terminators failed to come out again. my scouts ran to the genestealers which ment they were comtesting for the building making it 2-1 then my command squad disembarked and took the objective making it 3-1 to me my terminators ran towards the lictor. the deverstator squad shot at the doomanentine not dojng anything. then my tactica sqauds hot at it not doing anything. the land raider shot at the lictor whose tuff skin made shore blast bounced of. The terminators shot not doing a thing. Then finally the terminators charged the lictor who smahed it with power swords rosarius's for the chaplain and power fists who killed it for know casualties in return.

Dan summoned his mawloc into play who fielded close to my tacticalmarines. the gaunts speed forward towwards the command squad looking blood thirsty.the genestealers moved closer to the scouts getting ready to assault. the big monster at the back spawned 7 gaunts who stayed there blocking the sewer hole from me. the tyranid warriors recked my land raider and the doomanentine killed 2 of my deverstator squad leaving me with 4 left but also took 3 wounds of itself but replaced it with the 2 it killed.the other similar mosnters killed 2 of my terminators. the genestealer wiped out my scouts making it 3-2 to me.

turn 3

This go i managed to get my terminators on and placed them in the middle. my command sqaud moved further into the objective as my terminators moved torward to tyranid warriors my deverstator squad moved towards the genestealer knowing it would be certain death what ever they did. the tactical marines poured fire into the mawloc only taking one wound of it as the other unit focused on the doomanentine with only a tuffness 4 the missile launcher killed it in 1 shot. the terminators shot the tuyranid warrior coursing 2 wounds. the command sqaud killed 2 gaunts with there 6 bolt pistols. the dev squad assaulted the genestealers killing 2 but getting wiped out.

the gaunts moved closer to the command squad and the tyranid warrior closer to the terminators the genestealers moved sloser to the other terminators in the middle. the mawloc charged the tactical marine squad killing 7 and only losing 1 wound.

turn 4

the comand squad moved closer to the gaunts and the other terminators moved closer to the genestealers witht he terminators with the chaplian moving towards the tyranid warriors.The command squad killed 4 gaunts in the shooting faze with the terminators killing 1 genestealer and the ones with the chaplian killing 1 tyranid warrior and wounding another 2 times.
the other terminators charged the genestealers knowing hey would also die to these amzing super human creatures. the terminators with chaplain charged the tyranid warriors while the command squad failed to charge the gaunts because of difficult terrain.the tyranid warriors killed all the remaining terminators and took one wound of the chaplain while the chaplain killed 1 warrior.the terminators killed none and got wiper out against the genestealers.Also the mawloc wiped the tactical marine squad it was facing.

dan attacked the other tactical marine squad with his mawloc killing 6 and taking one wound.The gaunts for some silly reason insted of chargeing the comand sqaud moved around the command squad.while the tyranid warriors slaughtered the poor chaplain.

turn 5

the command squad assaulted the gaunts killing them while the mawloc mauled the other tactical marine sqaud killing them and taking the objective.

we left it there and the score was 4-1 to dan.

good game

by tom
my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green
Great report Tom.

Looks like it was close up until the last turn.

Well done.
ty simon i really want my dad to do one on his fight as it was very close.
my games:
Warhammer 40k orcs, spacemarines,catachan jungle fighters,
Warhammer fantasy orcs
Lord of the Rings sbg everything you could think of!!!
Haleceasar germans
Cutlass orc pirates
Magic red and green
Nice write-up Tom!
Figures painted in 2016: 4 Blush
"What this game needs is a panda with a chaingun."

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