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MW 2012 Readers Survey
The readers survey for 2012 is in March's issue of Miniature Wargames.

The survey was conducted in December 2011 and January 2012.

Makes for some interesting reading, although it doesn't tell you the number of respondees..

WW2 is still the most popular period, but with a slow decline.
Ancients is having a revival, being a very close second to ww2.
Napoleonics is in freefall but manages to hold on to 3rd place.
Sci-Fi Fantasy is a slow grower now overtaking ACW to move to 4th.
ACW come in 5th closely followed by Medieval in 6th position and Renaissance in 7th.

For rulesets:

Anicents, WAB is top.
Medieval, FOG
Rennaissance, FOG (Forlorn Hope comes in 3rd)
18th Century, Club rules are top (Black Powder a very close 2nd)
Napoleonic, Club rules followed by Black Powder
19th Century, Club rules followed by Black Powder
ACW, Fire & Fury
WW2, FoW followed by Blitzkrieg Commander and then Rapid Fire
Ultra Modern, Cold War Commander followed by Force on Force
Air Warfare, WoW then Check your 6!
Naval, Club rules followed by General Quarters
Sci-Fi/Fantasy, GW then Club rules followed by others (52%)

For Shows, top 10 most visited last year:

Salute (London)
Colours (Newbury)
Warfare (Reading)
Triples (Sheffield)
Vapartnak (York)
Partizan (Newark)
SELWG (London)
Worlds (Derby)
Fiasco (Leeds)
Attack (Devizes)



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