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40k campaign rules and info - Printable Version

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40k campaign rules and info - manrogue - 14-09-2011

Nothing is set in stone at the minute, this just where all the rules and any other bits will appear. I will try and edit this post with any rules we decide on and important info to save people searching through posts for it.
Also, if you have an idea for the campaign feel free to add it below, pm me or approach me at the group, always willing to listen to ideas and recieve feedback on what is going well or not so well.
I will try and get down early on tuesday so we can put the tiles in place and get the map done. From there the only requirement is to have one game a month, at the end of each month we will get together for 10 mins or so and contest land or build on already owned land. All this will be done via dice rolls, you can try and take over any tile on the board except HQ tiles, with various modifers. Unless you want to leave, it is impossible to be eliminated from the campaign, as i don't want someone getting wiped out early and then not being able to be inolved anymore.
For structures, you choose offensive or defensive buildings and via a dice roll build it on the selected tile. Each of the various buildings will get you a bonus.
You can have any size game, from 500 pts to 3000 pts, and use any mission from any of the books(from the rulebook, planet strike, cityfight etc)

So you Roll 2d6 for taking over territory, on 6+ you capture it with the following modifers to your dice roll-
-4 for somone you have lost against
+3 for somone you have beat
-4 for a territory not connected to one of your tiles
-4 for someone you havent faced
+4 for an unoccupied territory
You can also choose to build a structure instead of expanding your territory, which is will again be done with dice. You choose to make an offensive or defensive building which are as follows-
Command bastion(for each one you own you can give a unit a universal special rule from the rule book)
Manufactorum(may replace a compulsory troop choice with a heavy or fast choice)
Shield generator(any one attacking this tile or a connecting tile that you control has to set up first and the defender chooses who has first turn, any deep striking units destroyed on a 1)
Power station(extra pts to spend on your army, 50 pts for upto 1500 pts 100pts for 1501-3000 pts)
These are all stackable, but you may not place more than one structure on a tile and own more than 2 of the same structure. No more than 5 structures per person.
You build a structure on a 3+.