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Luke's Hobby Log - Printable Version

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RE: Luke's Hobby Log - LukeR - 18-12-2017

So, I thought I'd get in a pre Christmas update - with no car over the last week again I've found myself with a reasonable amount of time to paint.

So I've finished all the Shaltari, somehow don't think I'll be able to field all this in the Escalation League...


Onyx and Amber's



Jet and Turquoise's


Basalt's & Jade's


Adamant, Obsidian & Amethyst


Diamond and Opals


Forgot to take a close up shot of the Emeralds and Voidgates - was struggling a bit to get everything I had on the table space available.

RE: Luke's Hobby Log - LukeR - 18-12-2017

I also painted a few odd LOTR models that have been on the edge of my painting queue for a while.

Ringwraith on Fell Beast


It's not Grishnakh, it's his identical twin carrying a odd shield I found in my bits box, likely to be used as a proxy captain.


I also some had left over Royal Guard from my Rohan Army to paint


RE: Luke's Hobby Log - LukeR - 18-12-2017

So looking back at my list of things to do from back 6 months ago to clear my painting backlog;

Lord of the Rings SBG
- Moria Army, approx. 100 models - all undercoated, none painted
- Dwarf Army, approx. 30 models - all assembled

SAGA Romans - got the box of Infantry I picked up Salute which I need to do something with

- Vampires - converting the Second Hand Minis I had from the club - not started
- Undead - same as above - not started

Warhammer 40K
- Chaos - 200 models approx. - all assembled - 50 are fully painted and based
- Necrons - boxed until I get the motivation to sort them
- Eldar - boxed until I get the motivation to sort them
- Imperial Knights - 4 large models - 3 still need assembling

So I've cleared three things off, which is good. I've been going through my boxes of miniatures and also will be adding the following to the list.

- Death Guard Army/Nurgle Daemon army, which will feature quite a few conversions and proxies.
- Test of Honour, which I picked up the core set for a few months back.
- A very diverse Inquisition Army, made out of all kinds off odds and ends.
- My dwarf Mordheim Warband, which I found the remaining models for in a box.
- A couple of small forces for 40K Kill Team sized games, Tau and Thousands Sons at the moment.

These are all things I either own all the models for already, or own a sizeable number of models for already. I also have the Mythic Battles Pantheon Kickstarter hovering around when it decides to turn up, which is another large number of models.

On the plus side, all of the things I've bought in recent months have been painted, with the exception of the Test of Honour box.

RE: Luke's Hobby Log - jaqenhgar - 18-12-2017

Nice one! That is even more Shaltari than I have!!

RE: Luke's Hobby Log - LukeR - 30-12-2017

Another quick update - I've been painting various odd Space Marine models including the remaining Dark Imperium ones.

Razorback, Predator, Dreadnought

Hellblasters (2nd Squad)



Captain, Lieutenant, Ancient

RE: Luke's Hobby Log - LukeR - 09-01-2018

New Years Resolutions - Painting

So, although I've done quite a bit of painting this year, it doesn't really feel like I've reduced my backlog much. So based on the previous to do lists I've posted, I've made some resolutions for things I want to do this year.

1. Finish Chaos Space Marine Army.
2. Paint enough Dwarves to use for Middle Earth Battle Companies
3. Start & Finish the following small projects;
- Blood Bowl - Vampire Team
- Blood Bowl - Undead Team
- Kill Team Sized Forces of Tau & Thousand Sons
- Mordheim Dwarf Warband

4. Start and Finish SAGA Romans Army
5. Start & Finish Moria Goblin Army
6. Start Imperial Guard Army

I've already started on the Chaos Marines and have almost managed to paint another squad of Cultists. Pictures to follow once I've done a bit more.

I've also painted a number of odd Space Marine Characters I had left over - will upload some pictures later when I have access to my camera.

RE: Luke's Hobby Log - LukeR - 21-04-2018

Been a while since I updated this, so this'll be a pretty big update. I'll probably separate it out into a few posts, as it's about 4 months worth of painting.

Firstly, a few odd pictures of various Space Marine Characters I painted up sometime in January.

Captains and Chaplain with Jetpack



RE: Luke's Hobby Log - LukeR - 21-04-2018

Part 2 - I've spent most of the early part of this year painting up my Alpha Legion themed army. Forgot to photograph the Heldrake. I also still haveĀ a few more characters to left to paint but am considering this army done from a painting perspective.

Plasma Chosen Squads A & B

Chaos Space Squads A & B

Cultist Squad A

Melee Chosen Squads A & B


RE: Luke's Hobby Log - LukeR - 21-04-2018

More Alpha Legion;

Cultist Squads B, C & D


Chaos Space Marine Squad C

Cultist Squad E

Dark Apostle Kel Thu'zad

Cultist Squad F

RE: Luke's Hobby Log - LukeR - 21-04-2018

Final part of the updated, all the Dwarves for Battle Companies, also have enough to use them as an army for LOTR SBG as well;



Vault Wardens and Khazad Guard

Dwarf King and Captains