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GW's Digital advent releases - Printable Version

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RE: GW's Digital advent releases - manrogue - 07-12-2013

Yep according to rumours, second ones are short stories

RE: GW's Digital advent releases - Nick1988 - 07-12-2013

Sorry to join the debate late! I personally have very little interest in all this, even if it does allow me to use my favorite character (Coteaz). However i wouldnt really mind if someone decided to use them against me. The thing i love about 40k is army building/tweaking. I cam honestly say i enjoy trying to figure out how to beat whatever is put in front of me (prpbably why i love tournaments) e.g. After my game with Rob last week the discussion about my list and how i can change it to try and beat whatevers out there (silly re roll 2++ and such) is part of the enjoyment for me.

On the flip side, guys that play for a laugh with fun lists win or lose may not find as much enjoyment as i do trying to beat 'unbeatable' lists so i think just talkinh to your opponent before the game would be sufficient rather than putting rules in place.

RE: GW's Digital advent releases - Cookie101 - 08-12-2013

so where the battle wagon detachment that allows me to tank shock 20" with 5 deff rollas?

silly GW buffing the beakies and weedy tau so they can last a few more turns against a ork waaagh.

RE: GW's Digital advent releases - manrogue - 08-12-2013

New dataslate is out-
A First Look: Dataslate Eldar Ghost Warriors

The latest Games Workshop Digital release; Dataslate Eldar Ghost Warriors is now out. Of course this is another formation and this time for the Eldar codex.

The formation Eldar Ghost Warriors consists of 1 Wraithknight, 2 Wraithlords, and 3 units of Wraithguard or Wraithblades. Excellent, since that is exactly something I own. Note that this formation is exactly what we have for the Eldar Holiday Bundle that can be found here.

Once you read through these new rules for this formation, they fall short compared to what we saw with the first Dataslate with the Tau Firebase Support Cadre.

They come with two new rules;
Desperate Measures: All Friendly units in this unit and those within 6" have Hatred. (re-rolls in the first round of close combat)

Wraithbone Wall: Any friendly unit that receives a cover save from this formation form the intervening models rule, receives a cover save of 4+

Now these at first look very timid as far as rules go for a dataslate, but let me discuss briefly what these rules are doing. Then you can decide for yourself.

Hatred in a 6" bubble around units in this formation is not that shabby, as it allows you to spread out some, and really get yourself a new very much army wide rule for no additional points. Then throw in Wraithbone Wall for some added stuff.

The issue really comes down to that these Wraithguard or Wraithblades will not be considered to be troops even if your main detachment has a Spriritseer in them. I am going to say that if you were already planning on taking these models, this formation is a good thing for you to use.

RE: GW's Digital advent releases - manrogue - 18-12-2013

Bit late reporting this, but yesterday was a 4-player game-
A First Look: Carnage, A 4-Player Mission

Just released from Games Workshop Digital is Carnage, a 4 player mission pitting up several players against each other, with makeshift alliances and deals, while you attempt to forge victory through a 4 player free-for-all.

Carnage is a mission and costs $1.99 to purchase. You can find it by following the link to Games Workshop Digital or on itunes.

The book itself has a 4 page short story to start it off, which I have not had a chance yet to read. The mission is about 4 ambitious commanders attempting to seize a precious artefact in the center of the board. A rather King of Hill type scenario, where even the final objective gives a random number of victory points.

The mission itself is rather straight forward, with most of the standard rules applying. The game is a Dawn Assault (uses night fighting in round 1), which will cut down on some of what could be overpowering firepower coming down hard on whoever gets stuck going last.

The game gives players rules for how to handle a 4 player game, and the suggestion of keeping the points below 1500. They appear rather clear, even in the handling of close combat.

Overall I think Carnage feels rather short, and possibly even cut short when reading through what it has to offer. I was left with the feeling that a second mission, or more special rules would of made the mission much more interesting.

I really like some of the planetary effects and tables that are found in the apocalypse book, and I think something along these lines would of thrown a lot more fun into Carnage.

RE: GW's Digital advent releases - manrogue - 25-12-2013

Cypher today, rules below-
Quote:I bought him and he's awesome!

I do feel they may have laid in with the awesome stick a little too much perhaps. He's a high points value - more than Kharn but less than Ahriman. He can fire 4 shots per shooting phase - 2 with each pistol, or he can fire one shot with each then run! He also has eternal warrior, shrouded, fleet, infiltrate, and hit and run (it's like they shook out an xmas stocking and every special rule fell out!).
He can join pretty much any Imperial army except Dark Angels (which was kind of to be expected) and can join Chaos Space Marines too. He can never be your warlord and your HQ takes a -1Ld for having him around. There's a special rule about giving Dark Angels bonus Victory Points, and one for him escaping into the warp to try and deny them that. And he uses his pistols in close combat so that half his attacks are Str 4 AP 5, and half are Str 7 AP 2! At I8!!! Oh, and his plasma pistol never gets hot.

There's also a data sheet for including him and up to 3 units of Fallen in an army (basically Chaos Chosen - could be a fun unit to add to some guard though!).

That's it from me for now though, have a merry xmas folks!

RE: GW's Digital advent releases - Nick1988 - 25-12-2013

Ben will be pleased :p

RE: GW's Digital advent releases - manrogue - 25-12-2013

At £10 for a characters rules not sure he will lol-

RE: GW's Digital advent releases - jaqenhgar - 26-12-2013

looks interesting but can't bring myself to fork out £10 just for some rules for one model!

RE: GW's Digital advent releases - Embolden - 27-12-2013

I'm sure the torrent sites will have it already... noted that it cannot be used with the Dark Angels though :p

But does that mean he could be used with marines then ally in some Dark Angels?