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Cygnar - Beyond the Battlebox - Printable Version

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RE: Cygnar - Beyond the Battlebox - Stuart - 17-08-2011

Cheers Simon, I did some reading around today and I've got the Black 13th on my shortlist. Will take a look at a squire too.

RE: Cygnar - Beyond the Battlebox - Khalain - 27-10-2011

I do highly recommend the Black 13th, quite a few times when ive fielded them ive been surprised by what they can achieve so their well worth a look.

I would also recommend if you havnt already given it a go giving the defender a whirl, personally hes my favourite heavy, decent melee and a very powerfull ranged attack, stick snipe on him for a 20" range, very nice Smile

Journeyman warcaster makes it into nearly all my lists for 2 reasons, first is he can very effectivly run a light jack such as a hunter or charger for some good support, only heavy i would stick on him really is a defender, but thats just me, and second his arcane shield is reason to take him by itself.

Hes not a cygnar model but Reinholdt has alot of potential for our ranged casters like cain and Kara Sloan.

Arlan Strangeways makes it into my lists more often than not as his repair skill is excellent and his abilities can come in very handy, his voltaic gauntlet can also cause enemy jacks pause for thought about getting to close to the jack hes hanging around as the disruption can cause them problems if they want to close in for melee.

I cant comment to much on cygnar character jacks as i havnt used any of them apart from Ol' Rowdy, taken with stryker (either incarnation) hes awesome, and his counter charge ability makes him a good choice as a bodyguard for other casters to.

RE: Cygnar - Beyond the Battlebox - Stuart - 28-10-2011

Much obliged Craig. I've now acquired the Black 13th, Journeyman Warcaster, a Defender (courtesy of a magnetisd heavy warjack kit), Reinholdt and Arlan Strangeways. I haven't used the latter two yet, but like you say the Journeyman has been a regular feature in the forces I've fielded so far. I need to give the Black 13th another run out I think, as I didn't really put them to good use last time.