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Factions - Printable Version

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RE: Factions - stygmatyr - 26-06-2011

If you want, you're welcome to proxy in our game Tuesday, that way you can see if models play to your style before spending your hard earned money on them. I won't be using any proxies as I already have the models I like, though I am intending to get everything for khador eventually

RE: Factions - Dark Wolf - 27-06-2011

where can you buy warmachine from and what sites?
what aer the absic things you need to start collecting?

RE: Factions - Stuart - 27-06-2011

Maelstrom, Wayland, Wargames Workshop, etc. all stock Warmachine. You'd probably be looking at a battlebox for one of the factions to get started, and they come with "quickstart" rules.

At some point you may want to pick up the full Prime MkII rulebook, the faction book (the Warmachine equivalent of a codex) for your chosen force, tokens, templates, and of course more models! Smile

Just a battlebox should be enough to get you started though.

RE: Factions - Dark Wolf - 27-06-2011

sounds cool ty stuart.

RE: Factions - Luke the Squig - 29-06-2011

Just wondering, when I get my extra 10pts, then I'll be able to participate in much larger games, but, approximately, how long does a 35pt WARMACHINE battle take, and would a slow learner like myself be able to fit one in 3hrs? If it would take around 4/4 and a half hours to do, then obviously I would just stick to 25pt ones, but gradually climb up to 30pts. I also noticed that a couple of weeks ago Justin and Simon had a 35pt battle, but I never saw the outcome, or heard of how long it took. If you guys couldn't fit a 35 pointer in, then I won't have much of a chance either Big Grin.

RE: Factions - Etched Oracle - 30-06-2011

A 35pt game should take, according to the rules, around the 2 hours mark. Unfortunately as we're still learning a lot of the new models play styles its taking us a while to get games finished.

Myself & Justin did have a 35pt game and even with me using lots of new (to me) units and solos, we managed to finish in just over 2 hours. It all depends really on how quickly and competently you can play and how confident you are of what you're doing. The actual turn tends not to take long, but having a good thunk before you make your move takes up a lot of time.

RE: Factions - Luke the Squig - 30-06-2011

Cool, that might just give me a small chance of getting a game in in 3hrs as I probably will take significantly longer than you guys as I will need more thunking time, more time to ponder over the rules, more time to ask ridiculous questions to you guys and more time to eat teacakes!

RE: Factions - Luke the Squig - 03-07-2011

Just found an excellent link for a tutorial on how to paint mennites using GW paints...

Reckon I'm gonna follow it to get me started off.
I believe that the site also has tutorials for all of the other Factions:

Khador -

Cygnar -

Protectorate -

Cryx -

D'oh, no Retribution!

They also have the HORDES Factions, too:

Trollbloods -

Legion of Everblight -

Circle Orboros -

Skorne -

Yeah, the site is brilliant for just those little tricky first steps.
Here is where all the tutorials are:

Hope this was a useful resource Big Grin.

RE: Factions - stygmatyr - 03-07-2011

Dammit i completely forgot about brushthralls lol,

RE: Factions - Luke the Squig - 12-07-2011

Been very busy yesterday, as I've been trying to get my head around all of this green stuff sculpting. Here are my efforts:
The flag isn't glued on yet, just balanced for the mo, but I'll bring it along tonight to see.
Thought that the sleeping bag could be for a lazy TFG who couldn't be bothered to carry it, so strapped it to the back of the Crusader.