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Full Version: Horde of 'nids for sale
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I've got a huge pile of tyranid models that i'm not seeing any future in at the moment with all my other games and models going on so i'm open to offers either for individual models or all of it or anything in between
Models I have are as follows:
Barbed Hierodule, resin
Scythed Hierodule, resin
New carnifex x2, plastic
New Hive tyrant, metal and plastic
New Genestealers x7, plastic
Gargoyles x7, plastic
New Tyrant guard x1, metal
Termagants x11, plastic

Assembled models
Old hive tyrant x1 (2nd edition) metal
Old carnifex x1 (2nd edition) metal
Carnifex old one eye x1, metal
Ravener red terror x1, metal some parts missing
Old raveners x3, metal
Old tyrant guard x3, metal
Old lictor x1, (1st edition) metal
Lictor x2, (2nd edition) metal
Tyranid warriors x 15 (5 devourer, 5 deathspitter, 1 barbed strangler, 1 venom cannon, 3 rending claws) plastic
Hormagaunts x56 (10 painted and based, 10 just painted) plastic
Ripper bases x 8, plastic
termagants x13, plastic
Old Genestealers x12, plastic
Zoanthrope x2 metal
Biovores x 3 metal
Spore mines x21, (7 of each type) metal

Anybody interested just put a reply with your offer, and what you'd like. I can bring them into the club if you want to look at the models before you buy
How much would you like for the new Hive Tyrant?
Make me an offer of what you'd like to pay, bearing in mind from GW its £30.25.
How about £25?
Sounds good, are you at the club tomorrow? or I can bring it Tuesday
Yep, im at the club tomorow. Doing a bit of 40k. Will you have change for a £10 note?
the assembled models are they paint if so what coulour scheme etc
but intrested in termagaunts and hormagaunts
what have you got left?
u got anything left ill buy the whole lot off u just say your price
I've still got everything except the new hive tyrant that Sean had, and the hormagaunts may be going to Alan (though there is enough to do half each)
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