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Full Version: Battlefield Birmingham Tournament Report (Including pics!)
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Nice report dude, ill try and do mine at some point although i cant remember all the players names and their lists lol
OK Inspired by medium Rob, here is my BB4 report:

My list:
Sammael on corvex, Int chap on bike with auspex, 2 RW command squads with apoth., one with banner of devastation, 3 RW attack squads with multimelta attack bikes – onesquad with 6 bikes, dual melta, meltabombs, one 6 bikes dual flamer, meltabombs, one 3 man dual melta and combi melta.

Game 1: 3 objective game? Dawn of War
Steve Millen (finished 40th) – Chaos Marines : 2 Heldrakes, Kharn the betrayer & 3 mutilators in a landraider with some upgrade that prevented overwatch, 2 squads of berserkers in Rhinos, 1 6 man one 5 man, 2 Maulerfiends.

I got first turn deployed and scouted everything forward. Turn 1 took a cheeky shot with an AB on the landraider on the left but failed to pen. Immobilised a Rhino on the right and blew up one of the maulerfiends. His turn he moved the landraider and charged Sammael and his command with Kharn and the mutilators, the maulerfiend killed the plucky attack bike and sammael was wounded, the command reduced to 1 but they hit and run out.
I proceeded to plasma kharn and his unit to death turn 2, not much else. One heldrake came on and killed a bike, and finished off sammaels command.
Turn 3 I eliminated one Rhino and the disembarked berserkers, and blew up the landraider and finished off a maulerfiend in combat with black knights corvus hammers. His second heldrake came on and they both started ripping apart my army.
Turn 4 and he was left with an immobilised Rhino and two circling heldrakes. Try as I might I couldn’t do anything the the heldrakes apart from talke one HP off one.
At the end of turn 5 I was claiming all 3 objectives. Turn 6 I had no scoring units left and at the end of turn 7 he lined up the last flamer template on two black knights and rolled to wound….killing both, so I was tabled!

Basically I killed his ground forces but had no answer to the heldrakes apart from tl plasma – losing that command squad on his T1 lost me the game and there was no need to get so close. I got tournament points for first blood and slay the warlord though.

Game 2: 3 or 4 objective game, vanguard strike

Andy Roberts (finished 52nd) – Imperial Guard. He had a squadron of 3 leman russ, 2 heavy squads with 3 lascannons in each, 3 vet squads with some plasma, 2? Infantry squads of about 18 men in each, a hydra and a manticore, plus some CCS and some snipers in some other squad.

Very one-sided game but I think he had given up as soon as the game began. His vets were deployed in the open with the rest of the infantry in a wood at the centre of his deployment area and first turn I killed 1 squad and badly mauled the other two, plus I deleted a heavy weapon squad and immobilised a leman russ. His shooting killed a handful of bikes, then turn 2 I assaulted and blew up 1 leman russ and stunned the other two. Blew up the manticore with some outflanking melta bikes and wiped the vets out. He only managed to kill about 25% of my bikes before I had tabled him at the end of my turn 4….

Game 3: 6 objective game where fast attack were worth 1VP (I have no fast attack, even though I’m Ravenwing!), hammer and anvil

Rich Starkey (finished 12th) – White scars. Bikes vs bikes! He had 4 bike squads with maxed out grav guns in each, Khan with a command squad with yet more grav guns, a 3 man attack bike squad with multi-meltas, 2 thunderfire cannons and a Stromraven.

I got first turn again and deployed everything, Rich deploys everything bar the flier and one bike squad to outflank in one corner – due to hammer and anvil even with my scout move I am out of range with most of my guns so first turn I turbo one command squad and some of the attack bikes. I shoot some bolters and Sammy’s plasma cannon but only kill one bike. He wipes two 3 man bike squads and puts a wound on Sammael in return – ouch.
Turn 2 I charge in with both command squads – Sammaels wipes one of his bike squads but the int chap squad fails, I got greedy and multi assaulted two units, which reduced my attacks and he passes a lot of saves – think I only killed three bikes. He hits and runs. In return he shoots and charges into Sammy’s squad who fail to hit and run. He also continues destroying my troops with grav guns and the newly arrived stormraven.
Turns 3 to 4 see him mop up most of my units – I really needed my second turn charge to have done better, and I reduce him to one troop choice but he still also has his scoring attack bikes. Despite my best efforts, I’m tabled turn 5.

I think I could have played this one differently, maybe holding back all my troops and going for his attack bikes which were out on one flank with my command units. Turn 2 decided this game plus his canny deployment. My bolters with the banner outranged his 18" grav guns so I should have stayed out of 30” range until he moves forward, then I could have let rip.

Game 4: Relic and Emperors Will: Dawn of War

BigRob (finished 28th) – the Nau list: 3 Barges, 3 scythes with 5 warriors and his overlord in one, a riptide, a buff commander, 10 kroot and a big sniper drone unit.

I again get first turn and scout forward, putting 3 wounds on the riptide, Rob responds by killing a few bikes and charging into a command squad with the commander and the riptide. I kill the latter with my hammers and put two wounds on the commander who flees but I don’t sweep.
Turn 2 I shoot and charge, killing the tau commander, the drone squad and destroying two ann. Barges. In reply Rob brings on a Night Scythe and some kroot. The remaining barge shoots the chappys command squad, killing one? The night scythe wounds an attack bike. Turn 3 I immobilise the barge facing a corner (!) and take one or two hp’s off the night scythe, Sammy joins a normal bike squad who pick up the relic and an attack bike drops back to my objective. I kill 5 kroot with shooting but the don’t run. Another night scythe shows up and more bikes drop, but on my turn 4 I manage to kill one with plasma talons.
Robs turn 4 he brings on a warrior squad who fight for his objective, and the last night scythe. The rest of the game involved rob jumping his warriors out, and trying to wipe me off the three objectives, it goes to turn 6 and Rob desperately tries to kill me with suicide night scythes (deliberately crashing one to try and blast me!), he takes me off the relic turn 7 and shoots me off my objective, but I kill all his warriors and manage to survive (just) his firepower on the other objective to win 1-0. Really close game in the end although I thought I had it comfortably after my turn 2.

Game 5: Purge the alien and dawn of war

Steven Henderson (finished 13th) - Eldar: 4 waveserpents with scatter lasers and 4 x 5 dire avengers, a jetbike farseer with mantle, a 3 jetbike guardian unit, 2 night spinners and a wraithknight with two S10 cannons.

I get first turn, scout forward, line up a couple of the grav tanks who will be getting no cover save….and my shooting does absolutely nothing! His first turn I lose 14 bikes and an attack bike....
In my second turn I charge and wreck a waveserpent and a nightspinner, but the game has already been decided. Sammy has a last stand but gets dragged down by 12 dire avengers.
In the end I had 5 KP – 3 grav tanks , the jetbike squad which a lone apothecary took out, and one dire avenger squad. He has wiped me I think on turn 3. Not much to say about this one – don’t know how I could have played it differently, I think perhaps my list just can’t cope with that much high strength firepower. The table was very open as well with only one small building in the middle to hide behind and with my practise game against rob I thought my only chance is to go all out, but I failed.

5 Good games though, I finished 30th, the list seems very all or nothing at a tournament and it can’t handle more than one flier, especially heldrakes. Not sure the banner was worth it with all the mech around, the command squads with FNP were awesome though!
If I could go back and change it, dropping the chaplain, meltabombs and the banner, swapping a command squad for 5 normal black knights would give me 230 points to spend – not sure on what though? Ideally something to deal with elder grav tanks and fliers….
(10-10-2013, 03:22 PM)Nick1988 Wrote: [ -> ]Nice report dude, ill try and do mine at some point although i cant remember all the players names and their lists lol

I cheated and used the results and tried to remember who I played :p only one I struggle with was some cheesy Dev Centurion player... lol

Nice write up Chris, I guess its the nature of your alpha strike army, it either totally dominates from the off or does little and gets beat up on. I'm shocked you didn't beat the Eldar player game5, when I looked across to see you had set up and where waiting for your opponent, then later on after scout moves you where moving and he hadn't, I thought it was in the bag... I guess thats dice! Sad Or did he do something special?
No nothing special that I can think of, my first turn shooting was terrible, and his first turn shooting was awesome - I was rolling a lot of 1s and 2s for my saves. He was a good player though and didn't make any mistakes. Yeah I guess that's how it goes sometimes being a game of dice and all...
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