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Full Version: DIES IRAE (New Crowdfunding for 1650) - 1st GOAL ACHIEVED!
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First Goal ACHIEVED:

[Image: Logo_Dies+Irae_6000.jpg]

So Confidente ( "Informer" ) is UNLOCKED as gift for perks C, D, E and F.

Apart of that, here you are some more news:

Gaul Musqueter, painted by Emuse:

[Image: Musqueter_1V04.jpg]

Gaul Plaqué, finished:

[Image: Plaqu%C3%A9_by_Tercio+Creativo.JPG]

And Hermano Martin ( "Brother Martin" ) of the Domini Canis band and Dires Irae, The Boardgame ( if crowdfunding gets there, of course XD )

[Image: Hermano+Martin_by_Tercio+Creativo.JPG]
More news:

New perk G added, with the whole things two players could need + all kits of modulable buildings by Escenorama + an EXCLUSIVE miniature designed by and for you, and painted by Emuse.

[Image: Logo_Dies+Irae_PerkG.jpg]

Luana, Mercenary Personality created by Jesus Sanchez for the I Tercio Creativo's Stories Competition, painted by Emuse:

[Image: Luana_1R06.jpg]

And the first Absorto ("Engrossed") for Ordo Calamitas band (and Dies Irae, The Boardgame).

[Image: Absorto1_by_Tercio+Creativo.jpg]
Second Goal ACHIEVED and campaign is about to get the 3rd one in these last days. With that, these miniatures got unlocked as gifts for perks C, D, E, F, F-Conquered and G:

[Image: Confidente_Unlocked.jpg] [Image: Hideputa_PF11.jpg]

Oh, and here you are Hermano Bernardo ( "Brother Bernard" ) another of Domini Canis pawns:

[Image: Hermano+Bernardo_by_Tercio+Creativo.JPG]

Domini Canis and Ordo Calamitas bands: Ulocked at 25000€

[Image: Indiegogo_Catalogo_Domini+Canis.jpg]

[Image: Indiegogo_Catalogo_Ordo+Calamitas.jpg]

Padre Norberto, painted by Emuse:

[Image: Padre+Norberto_1G13.jpg]

Toro Desbocado ("Rampant Bull"), gift for perks D, E, F, F-Conquered and G.

[Image: Toro_by_Tercio+Creativo.jpg]

Turn Marker:

[Image: Marcador+Turnos_by_Tercio+Creativo.JPG]

Tracking Markers:

[Image: Marcadores+Rastro_by_Tercio+Creativo.JPG]

And Grenade Marker:

[Image: Marcador+Granada_by_Tercio+Creativo.jpg]
Domini Canis and Ordo Calamitas bands will be unlocked as add-ons if crowdfunding gets to 15000 Goal. As Armored Wagon and Espectro de Dunas Rojas.
Yesterday night crowdfunding got 15000 Goal, there are 2 left, and here you are all things unlocked:

[Image: Indiegogo_Catalogo_Domini+Canis.jpg]

[Image: Indiegogo_Catalogo_Ordo+Calamitas.jpg]

[Image: Indiegogo_Catalogo_Mercenarios.jpg]
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