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Will be going, will be purchasing my ticket on payday (wednesday)!

I'll be taking my Eldar and will be looking for practice games also.

How dare you call me dirty ROB!... Necrons/Tau.... LOL :p
Necron/Tau, that's not the bent combo I heard about on the weekend. However they are the forces involved.

Story next time I see you Wink
The Tau suits will look ace in the same purple / green spray the night scythes and barges are painted in Smile

Here is the list so far. Not even tested just picking what I think will work best from both codex's. I shall call them Nau

Necrons Main force
• HQ - Overlord
• 10 Immortals
• 2 * 5 Warriors - Night Scythe
• 2 * Harbinger of the Storm w/ Voltaic Staff
• 3 * Annihilation Barge TL Tesla Destructor & Tesla Cannon

Tau allies
• Commander w/ Missle Pod, Missle Pod, Target Lock, Puretide Engram Neurochip, XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Battlesuit
• XV104 Riptide w/ Ion Accelerator, TL Fusion Blaster, Early Warning Override, Riptide Shield Generator, Nova Reactor
• 11* Kroot Carnivore Squad w/ Kroot Rifle with Sniper Rounds
• Sniper Drone Team 2 Firesight Marksman 9 Sniper Drones
Just fits in at 1500 pts.
Rob, I like the list, defo best from Necron Codex, Nightscythes and Anni Barges.. no Wraiths though?? :p

I'm not sure about the sniper team, I know they are cheep, but not sure how effective they will be against none MC heavy lists... but then again... everyone is rocking MCs at the moment... Vince... lol

I'm looking at taking:

5 Wraithguard in Wave Serpent with TL Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holofields
10 Guardians with Shuriken Cannon in Wave Serpent with TL Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holofields
5 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpent with TL Scatter Laser, Holofields
5 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpent with TL Scatter Laser, Holofields
5 Dire Avengers in Wave Serpent with TL Scatter Laser, Holofields
2 War Walkers - 4 Bright Lances
2 War Walkers - 4 Bright Lances
Comes in at 1500pts

Will struggle against Necrons AV13 Vehicles and MCs as I have zero AP, but everyone is rocking Xenos with high basic saves and no cover saves against the Serpent shields is fantastic, so troop killing is fine, but will struggle against high AV vehicles and low save units. So I think I need to get ballsy with the War Walkers.
Not really sure what the new tau or eldar can do, but both lists look like they have a lot of high strength firepower!

I'm thinking of these two lists, bit scared of the cover denying tau/ Eldar/ csm lists though...

Ravenwing 1500 pts

Azrael 215
Tac squad - 9 man, pg, c-plas, drop pod 186
Ras - 3 man, 2 mg, ab-mm 155
Ras - 3 man, 2 mg, ab-mm 155
Ras - 5 bikes, ab-mm 189
Ras - 6 bikes, ab-mm 216
Libby, bike 85
RWC - apoth, banner of dev, 5 man, 1 gl 295



Azrael 215
Command squad - banner of dev, apoth, drop pod 215
Ras - 3 man, 2 mg, a mm 155
Ras - 3 man, 2 mg, a mm 155
Ras - 6 bikes, a mm 216
Ras - 6 bikes, a mm 216
RWBK - 5 man, 1 gl 210
Tac squad - 7 man, Lascannon 118
Wave serpents kick out alot of torrent shootting and removing cover will have some armies crying. They are also are good at surviving too. I checked out an article on 3++ (I sponsor the site too) and the following picture sums up the equivalent fire power. It looks ridiculous :O)


The Nau list is pure theory at the moment. So it may just fall on it's face as do alot of unplaytested lists. The 48" snipers I loved when I fist saw them. They can still pin and kill infancy aswell as MC's and rapid fire at 24". I am concerned about the low LD but I have been spoilt with necrons :O). Boosting the unit with the Commander sorts the leadership problem out and gives re rolls to wound vs MC's and that second chance of a rend which is a nice option to have. The commander would normally rock out with the riptide as that would benefit more from his USR's. The commander would go up to T6 average with the riptide too. I can swap the snipers out of a 5 man wraith squad by trimming else where. The wraiths are a great speed bump and can tie most units up in the game. I will play test the snipers and see how it goes. I know wraiths are good but one unit is easily countered.

I know what you mean on torrent. Previous relying on AP - tesla it would take all three barges in one turn to take 4 wounds off one T6 3+ MC. If it had a 2+ save I ignored it. I won't be able to do that with all the riptides now on the table (myself included). Previously it was only Dreadknights and Nids that had access to a 2+ MC. With 9 snipers at range I can take 2 wounds from a 3+ MC and 4 if within rapid fire range. This increases with monster hunter from the commander to over 3/6. They still struggle with the 2+ save so it looks like the ripetide will be on monster hunting duties.

Anyone got 9 spare drones I can have a play with so I can test this list please. The riptide is on order with TW and commander and kroot ordered from fleabay. The suits will be in that cool purple/green spray for extra awesomeness.
I've been tinkering with the list, trying to add more scoring units and fire power...

Autarch - Fusion gun - 80
3 Jetbikes - 51
3 Jetbikes - 51
3 Jetbikes - 51
10 Storm Guardians - 2 fusion guns - 110
Wave Serpent - Holofields, Scatter Laser - 135
5 Dire Avengers - 65
Wave Serpent - Holofields, Scatter Laser - 135
5 Dire Avengers - 65
Wave Serpent - Holofields, Scatter Laser - 135
5 Fire Dragons - 110
Wave Serpent - Holofields, Scatter Laser - 135
5 Fire Dragons - 110
Wave Serpent - Holofields, Scatter Laser - 135
Night Spinner - Holofields - 130

Gives me 6 Scoring units, 13 Meltaguns and a Night Spinner to pray on the tournament meta of Necrons, Tau and Mech Eldar. I will struggle against flyers however, but 1500pts should limit flyer armies somewhat... or here's hoping...
I like the eldar bikes. Turn 5 - 6 and 7 covered to contest/score. Make sure they stay alive :O)

The melta guns are short range though. Move 6" deploy 6" double dice range of 12" may not cut it.

More play testing required.... I don't actually know Smile
So had a close game with Rob last night, we killed each others scoring units... I had 1 Dire Avenger (just a couple of inches from an objective and 3 fleeing Guardians left of my scoring. While I had managed to take out the whole of Robs scoring units (all 4 of them! :p), in the end of I was doing the typical Eldar tactic of hiding, hiding for our lives!!

The Wraithlords were pants as they where taken out 1 per turn by the Sniper Drones, the Night Scythe was epic Taking out 2 Barges and most of 2 scoring units and it was my last tank on the table, the Quadgun failed badly as it hit 8 times into Flyers and I failed to roll above a 2 on 8 dice... but the Aegis did well in keeping the army alive... so tweaks rather than major changes needed.

Hmmm Riptide, Skyfire, Interceptor, Fusion Gun, Accelorator (210) Commander with Node, Iridium Armour, Chip, System Jammer, 2 Flamers (152), 10 Kroot, Sniper rounds (70)... hmm
Very enjoyable it was too. I did have one unit that was scoring left, the immortals, duking it out with your HQ. They did not punch through but if freed could have veils and been lost in the warp turn 5/6 trying to land on an objective :O)

The night spinner was epic but the night scythes where mine :O) (too many night things here). That commander of awesomeness, as you called him, he really is a daddy. The tides on their own need marker lights or that commander to buff or they struggle I think. Tau as allies don't benefit from the marklights (less units that can use them) so I ended up with the commander.

The ion cannon is nice for the 5 point upgrade to add intercept. Deep striking units all bunched up (including my immortals) will hurt bad from the St8 Ap2 hit. The commander can twin link this template too but I don't think it works on intercept? Your wraith lords are tough to kill for loads of armies. Not everyone has super bad ass snipers. My Necons would have had to ingored the two lords which would have given you 5/6 turns with the bright lances to rip up what you wanted.

I was proud of myself for not using the Nova charge all game **pats own back**. It is so tempting!! but sucks when it does not work. I don't like the skyfire option on the riptide but it is cheaper than putting it on the commander and buying him missile pods. I like the redundancy his intercepting missiles gives even if it is expensive.
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