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Apart from the fact that the videos have gone from awesome, to lets see what PP have sent me this month, and the fact that the UI went from being simple to navigate, to a nightmare, there has been one huge change over the New Year.

Information on the change is here, but can be summarised as, to featured in any rankings table, a player now has to create a user profile. By doing so, that player will feature in any rankings, for any game system that you have entered. There still appears to be some bugs, so if you do register, and have active events (a ranked event in the past twelve months,) and you are missing from the standings, I would give Andy a shout.

I should also mention that Rob put RWS on RHQ too. If you do create a profile, and wish to be associated with the club, feel free to find us here.
Cheers for the info
And today more changes appeared in my inbox.


Please Read!

As some of you might know, Rankings HQ recently turned 3 years old. Many of you might not know that I actually starting publishing rankings systems for miniature war-games over 10 years ago. It is amazing how much the web site has grown in that time and that is something I will always be proud of. RHQ has grown from 2 game systems for 2 countries to 5 game systems across more than 20 countries, and boasts over 8,000 active users. What started out as a small hobby site has turned into a sophisticated rankings software platform with a vast array of features and millions of lines of data.

Unfortunately the growth of the site has resulted in RHQ becoming a victim of its own success as I am no longer able to effectively process the hundreds of queries, requests and result uploads that hit the site every week. The miniature war-gaming side of RHQ is still very much a hobby indulgence for me; the site is free for all users and tournament organisers, and as such I can no longer justify the hours each day that I spend on maintaining the rankings for so many gaming communities.

For many of you the site will remain free and nothing will change, as your ranking groups have acquired an Affiliate sponsor. For those groups that do not have a sponsor by March 31st 2013 it will cost players US$12 a year to remain as part of the group.

Before I go any further let me list the ranking groups that have already attracted Affiliate sponsors (listed in the right hand column): Warhammer 40K (USA, UK, AUS); Warmachine/Hordes (UK, AUS, NZL); Flames of War (UK); Malifaux (UK). For players of these ranking groups there will be no change for 2013!


Essentially, an Affiliate sponsor means a company, organisation, club or group of gamers becoming an "Affiliate" on RHQ, who provides financial support to cover the time/costs required to maintain and publish the rankings for a given ranking group. All affiliates on RHQ have their own customised home page which they use to communicate with users in the ranking groups they "own". An example of an affiliate home page can be seen here:

Affiliates are able to advertise their products & services through their home page and banners that appear in the relevant game system forums they sponsor. They are also able to send out communications to the users in their ranking groups. An affiliate does not have to be a retail store, it could be a podcast, a miniature manufacturer or any other company in the miniature game industry.

Ranking groups that are sponsored by Affiliates provide entry for players to that group for free during the term of the sponsorship.


All existing data, profiles and rankings will operate as normal up to March 31st 2013. After that date only players that purchase 12 month memberships to the ranking group(s) they are part of will appear in the ranking tables.

Note that players that do not purchase a membership will still maintain their profile which will still accumulate their tournament results, they will just not appear in the ranking tables.


Ranking Groups that get a sponsor will continue as they have done the last 3 years. Players will be able to join the groups for free and all registered players in the ranking group(s) will appear in the ranking tables each month.


There are many benefits for a business in the industry that wants to become an affiliate. If you know a local store, business, club or podcast that might be interested, send them a link to the affiliate benefits page and pass on the RHQ email address (

A list of existing affiliates can be found here.


Between now and the 1st of April 2013 I will be doing everything I can to attract sponsors so that Affiliates can be found for all the ranking groups on RHQ. I want to send out a heartfelt apology to everyone that has supported the site all these years, however I simply cannot devote the enormous amount of time and money required to support the 8,000+ registered users on the site.

I hope you understand this has not been an easy decision to make. I have been deliberating over it for most of this year and have spoken to many players, tournament organisers and friends about my predicament. The decision to stop maintaining the rankings for free after all this time was a very difficult one to make.

If you have any questions or comments, please make them on the appropriate thread on RHQ (this message will be posted there as well) or you can contact me via the email address I will try my best to answer all questions and will get back to you as soon as I can.


Andrew Galea
Lol with all the bad press he has got so far, I think this will add fuel to the fire... but at least the UK is free, for now.
I can't see what the issue is really. WHat he's trying to say is, I am not making enough money, so give me some. As far as I was aware, Andrew was running RHQ as his job. Then moaning that he does not have time to do his job. The videos that pulled quite a bit of advertising revenue, have dried up, and become look what shiny stuff I got for my army for free.
So far Malifaux UK is backed, and whats happening. One of the UK based Wyrd employees, is planning on running her own ranking system. If others do that, then RHQ could be going Maelstrom.
WH40K is free as well (thanks to Battle Foam) Smile
(03-01-2013, 12:35 PM)Gareth Wrote: [ -> ]I can't see what the issue is really. WHat he's trying to say is, I am not making enough money, so give me some. As far as I was aware, Andrew was running RHQ as his job. Then moaning that he does not have time to do his job.

Which is why I feel that RHQ will start to crumble imo... it's starting to come across as money grabbing while it lasts. Fair play to him, if thats what he wants...
So just over twelve months and this has reared its head again. No mention of Affiliates this time, now it's pay me or I fold. Just as Guns started publishing videos again, this time not based on miniatures, but LoL. So it's fund my hobby time, but I don't care about yours.
Quote: Help Keep Rankings HQ Live!

I don't often send mass emails out to the registered users of Rankings HQ, however there is a pretty important message I need to get out there.

Rankings HQ needs your support!

Over the last 4 years I have tried various methods to raise funds so that the owners of Rankings HQ are not out of pocket to keep the site running. Whilst I have had some success the bottom line is that we constantly struggle to cover our costs.

Rankings HQ needs you!

There are thousands of players that consistently contact me to say how they love the site and don't want it to go away so I am putting it out there. If you want Rankings HQ to continue to exist then please make a donation to help out.

If the regular users of Rankings HQ contribute just $10 a year we will cover our costs and be able to continue to support and develop the site into the future. If not enough users choose to support the site by donating then we will be forced to close it down.

Rankings HQ's users will decide whether the service RHQ provides continues!

Anyone that donates money will receive a special icon against their profile and those that donate $100 or more will also receive a set of black Rankings HQ casino dice!
You Don't Need a PayPal Account to Support RHQ!

That's right you don't! PayPal accept credit cards for people who want to pay money into a PayPal account without creating an account themselves. Simply select that option in the payment form.

I would like to thank in advance those people that choose to support RHQ. Hopefully we will get enough of you who wish to support us so we can continue to provide you the services that RHQ provides.


Andrew Galea

P.S. If insufficient funds are raised by user donations and RHQ is forced to close down. Those that did donate will receive a full refund.

I take it Gaz, your post relates to this email?