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Full Version: The Official Epic Dice Rolls Thread
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Post your epic fails (or successes) here.

My starter for ten. Well, more like three...

If only i knew you was going to do this i would have took a picture of my epic destroying of Chris's flyer. Roll four dice 2 hit, 1 pens. He needs a 2+ cover save... he rolls a 1.
I roll on the Pen chart and roll a 6. Boom, explodes into flaming ball.
I really wish I'd taken a pic of the 6 sixes I rolled on 7 dice the other week. I may have to stage a reconstruction Smile
Just ask any of my opponents how many 6's I roll to explode tanks Smile
Lots of epically good and bad rice rolls in the SAGA games with Steve last night.

Needing 5+ to hit and rolling 8 dice:


I also had a roll of 20 dice, requiring 5+ to hit, resulting in just two hits.
swings and roundabouts!
As SAGA dice rolls go, this isn't the best - equivalent to rolling six D6 with no results higher than 3.

Perhaps not epic, but a repeat of last weeks rather inconvenient SAGA dice roll...

It's only a 1/64 chance though Stu, so it's going to happen quite frequently. The other extreme is 1/46656, so that's what you need to gun for, although you won't be activating Warriors that turn.
I think a sacrifice to the dice gods is needed...
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